
Filmtörténet-elméleti bibliográfia

Film és történelem

Cinéma et société, Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine XXXIII/2. (1986)

FERRO, Marc: Analyse de film, analyse de société. Paris, Hachette, 1975.

FERRO, Marc: Cinéma et histoire. Paris, Deno'l/Gonthier, 1977.

LAGNY, Michéle: Histoire et cinéma. Des amours difficiles, in: CinémAction 1988/47. 73–78.o.

ROSENSTONE, Robert A. (szerk.): Revisioning History. Film and the Construction of a New Past. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1995.

ROSENSTONE, Robert A.: Visions of the Past. The Challenge of Film to Our Idea of History. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1995.

A filmtörténet elmélete és módszertana

ALLEN, Robert C.: Film History. The Narrow Discourse, in: LAWTON-STAIGER (1977). 9-17.o.

ALLEN, Robert C.: Contra the Chaser Theory, in: Wide Angle III/1. (1979) 4-11.o.

ALLEN, Robert C.: The Archeology of Film History, in: Wide Angle V/2. (1982) 4-12.o.

ALLEN, Robert C.-GOMERY, Douglas: Film History. Theory and Practice. New York, Random House, 1985.

AUMONT, Jacques-GAUDREAULT, André-MARIE, Michel: L'histoire du cinéma. Nouvelles approches. (Langues et langages 19.) Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, Colloque de Cerisy, 1989.

BEYLIE, C.: Table ronde sur l'histoire du cinéma, in: Cinématographie 1980 szept. (60) 3-14.o.

BEYLIE, C.: De Lumičre ŕ Resnais, in: Cinématographie 1980 márc. (76) 59-67.o.

BUSCOMBE, Edward: A New Approach to Film History, in: LAWTON-STAIGER (1977). 1-9.o.

BUSCOMBE, Edward: An Introduction. Metahistory of Film, in: Film Reader 1979/4. 11-15.o.

CALLENBACH, Ernest: Notes on Film Scholarship, Criticism, Methodology, and What Are We Doing Here Anyway, in: Film Quarterly XXVII/2. (1974-75) 1-3.o.

DE CORDOVA, Richard: Film History as Discipline, in: Camera Obscura 18. (1988 szept.)

ELSAESSER, Thomas: The New Film History, in: Sight and Sound (autumn 1986)

FERRO, Marc: Cinéma et histoire. Paris, Deno'l/Gonthier, 1977.

GODARD, Jean-Luc: Les cinémathčques et l'histoire du cinéma, in: Travelling 56/57. (spring 1980) 119-136.o.

GOMERY, Douglas: History of the (Film) World II., in: American Film VIII/2. (1982) 52-65.o.

LAGNY, Michéle: De l'histoire. Méthode historique et histoire du cinéma. Paris, Colin, 1992. (a második fejezet magyarul: Metropolis 1 (1997) no. 1.)

LAWTON, Ben-STAIGER, Janet (szerk.): Film. Historical-Theoretical Speculations, The 1977 Film Studies Annual II. Pleasantville, Redgrave, 1977.

MAST, Gerald: Film History and Film Histories, in: Quarterly Review of Film Studies I/3. (1976) 297-314.o.

MITRY, Jean: De quelques problemes d'histoire et d'esthétique du cinéma, in: Cahiers du Cinéma 1973/10-11. 112-141.o.

MOTTRAM, Ron: Fact and Affirmation. Some Thoughts on the Methodology of Film History and the Relation of History to Theory, in: Quarterly Review of Film Studies V/3. (1980) 335-348.o.

NOWELL-SMITH, Geoffrey: On the Writing of the Cinema, in: Edinburgh '77 Magazine II. (1977)

O'GRADY, G.: The Spectrum of Cinema, in: Film Librarians Quarterly, VIII/1. (1975) 7-16.o.

PINEL, Vincent: Les histoires du cinéma. Du singulier au pluriel, in: Cinéma pleine page. Paris, Lherminier, 1985, 19-26.o.

Pour une théorie de l'histoire du cinéma, Iris II/2. (1984)

RICHTER, Hans: On the Function of Film History, in: Film Culture IV/18. (1958) 25-26.o.

STRAW, W.: The Myth of Total Cinema History, in: Ciné-Tracts III/1. (1980) 8-16.o.

SZILÁGYI Gábor: A filmtörténetírás útvesztői, in: Filmkultúra XXIX/10. (1993) 13-10.o.

THOMPSON, Kristin: Cinematic Specficity in Film Criticism and History, in: Iris I/1. (1983) 39-49.o.

Forma- és stílustörténet

ALTMAN, Charles F.: Towards a Theory of Genre Film, in: LAWTON-STAIGER (1977). 31-43.o.

BORDWELL, David: Lowering the Stakes. Prospects for a Historical Poetics of Cinema, in: Iris I/1. (1983) 5-18.o.

BORDWELL, David: A film stílustörténetének kutatási programja, in: Filmkultúra XXX/1. (1994) 7-6.o.

BORDWELL, David-THOMPSON, Kristin: Film Style and Technology. History and Analysis, in: Quarterly Review of Film Studies X/3. (1985) 224-237.o.

BUTLER, J.: A Compendium of Stylistic Interpretation, in: Film Reader 1982/5. 285-299.o.

GUNNING, Tod: Film History and Film Analysis, in: Wide Angle XII/3. (1990) 4-19.o.

KOVÁCS András Bálint: Metropolis, Párizs. Budapest, Képzőművészeti Kiadó, é.n.

KOVÁCS András Bálint: Stíluselméleti vázlat, in: Iskolák után. Almási Miklós 60. Születésnapjára. Budapest, T-Twins, 1992. 141-171.o.

LEHMAN, Peter: Style, Function and Ideology. A Problem in Film History, in: Film Reader 1979/4. 72-80.o.

SCHATZ, Thomas G.: New Directions in Film Genre Study. A Response to Charles F. Altman, in: LAWTON-STAIGER (1977). 44-52.o.

Gazdaság- és technológiatörténet

ALTMAN, Rick: Toward a Theory of the History of Representational Tehnology, in: Iris II/2. (1984) 111-125.o.

BAUDRY, Jean-Louis: Ideological Effects of the Basic Cinematographic Apparatus, in: Film Quarterly XXVIII/2. (1974) 39-47.o.

BRANIGAN, Edward: Color and Cinema. Problems in the Writing of History, in: Film Reader 1979/4. 45-62.o.

BUSCOMBE, Edward: Sound and Color, in: Jump Cut 17 (1978 ápr.) 23-25.o.

COMOLLI, Jean-Louis: Technique et idéologie, in: Cahiers du Cinéma 1971-72/229-234/235. 4-21, 51-57, 42-49, 39-45, 94-100, 20-24.o.

GOMERY, Douglas: Film Culture and Industry. Recent Formulation in Economic History, in: Iris II/2. (1984) 17-29.o.

NEALE, Steve: Cinema and Technology. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1985.

PRYLUCK, C.: The Aesthetic Revelance of the Organization of Film Production, in: Cinema Journal XV/2. (1976) 1-6.o.

SALT, Barry: Film Style and Technology. History and Analysis. London. Starword. 1983.

STAIGER, J.-GOMERY, D.: The History of World Cinema. Models for Economic Analysis, in: Film Reader 1979/4. 35-44.o.

Intézmény- és társadalomtörténet, nemzeti filmtörténetek

ALTMAN, Charles F.: Towards a Historiography of American Film, in: Cinema Journal XVI/2. (1977) 1-25.o.

BORDWELL, David: Our Dream Cinema. Western Historiography and the Japanese Film, in: Film Reader 1979/4. 45-62.o.

BORDWELL, David-THOMPSON, Kristin: Linearity, Materialism and the Study of Early American Cinema, in: (1983) 4-15.o.

CARROL, Noël: Film History and Film Theory. An Outline for an Institutional Theory of Film, in: Film Reader 1979/4. 81-96.o.

ELLIS, John: The Institution of Cinema, in: Edinburgh '77 Magazine II. (1977)

FERRO, Marc: Analyse de film, analyse de société. Paris. Hachette. 1975.

KAPLAN, E. Ann: Feminist Approaches to History. Psychoanalysis and Cinema in Sigmund Freud's Dora, in: Millenium Film Journal 1980-81/7-8-9. 173-185.o.

LAWSON, Sylvia: Towards Decolonization. Some Problems and Issues for Film History in Australia, in: Film Reader 1979/4. 63-71.o.

LOUNSBURY, Myron O.: The Gathered Light. History, Criticism, and the Rise of the American Film, in: Quarterly Review of Film Studies V/1. (1980) 49-85.o.

ROSEN, Philip: History, Textuality, Nation: Kracauer, Burch, and Some Problems in the Study of National Cinemas, in: Iris II/2. (1984) 69-84.o.

SORLIN, Pierre: Sociologie du cinéma. Paris. Aubier-Montaigne. 1977.

THOMPSON, Kristin: A film és a társadalmi intézmények kapcsolatának története, in: Filmkultúra XXX/1. (1994) 5-4.o.



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