Metropolis publishes original, independent research and translations in Hungarian within the expansive fields of screen and cultural studies. Our objective is to contribute to the Hungarian body of literature in screen studies, disseminate new research, and make influential international works in screen studies accessible in Hungarian. We are committed to a flexible, interdisciplinary approach that fosters scientific and cultural dialogue, with an emphasis on open access to research findings. Accordingly, we welcome a diverse array of submissions from screen and cultural studies, encouraging varied analytical perspectives.
Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and adhere to established ethical and academic publishing standards. Authors should inform the editors if a manuscript is concurrently under review elsewhere, has been previously published, or is otherwise publicly accessible.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
1. Formatting Requirements
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically without specific restrictions on font size or other basic formatting requirements.
2. Manuscript Length
Manuscripts should ideally range from 5,000 to 10,000 words, including notes and bibliography, with a preferred length of 6,000 to 8,000 words. Shorter texts, reviews, and web-exclusive content are also welcome where appropriate.
3. Reference Style
For detailed guidelines on citation style, please refer to the instructions provided by the editors on our website:
4. Language Requirements
Manuscripts may be submitted in either English or Hungarian. For English-language papers, particular attention should be paid to linguistic accuracy, and proofing by a native English speaker is advantageous.
5. Abstracts
All manuscripts intended for the print journal must include an English abstract of approximately 1,000-1,500 characters. Abstracts are not required for reviews.
6. Illustrations
When including illustrations, please provide a list with the manuscript submission. Authors should adhere to fair use standards and clearly indicate copyright holders.
7. Author Information
Please include the author(s)’ institutional affiliation and official email contact, if available, with the submission. If applicable, the author(s)’ ORCID should also be noted alongside affiliation details and contact information.
Editorial Process of Metropolis
All manuscripts submitted for publication are evaluated by the editorial team in line with the journal’s stated objectives and requirements. The initial decision on publication is made by the editor of the given issue or, upon the editor’s recommendation, by the editorial board, based on the results of anonymous peer reviews when applicable. Each manuscript undergoes preliminary review by at least two editors according to established publication standards, which may include the use of plagiarism detection software where appropriate. Authors are required to revise their manuscripts according to the feedback received from reviewers and within an agreed-upon timeline to ensure publication.
Ethical Guidelines of Metropolis
1. Authenticity
All manuscripts submitted for consideration must be original works.
2. Accuracy and Legal Responsibility
Authors are responsible for the originality, accuracy, and integrity of the manuscript’s content and conclusions, as well as for compliance with all legal requirements.
3. Plagiarism
Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited; any detected plagiarism will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript.
4. Use of AI
Upon request, authors must disclose and document any use of AI-based applications in the preparation of the manuscript, specifying which parts of the text were generated or assisted by such tools.
5. Co-authorship
All individuals who have made substantial contributions to the research and manuscript preparation should be appropriately credited as co-authors.
6. Research Ethics
For manuscripts involving empirical research, authors must adhere to ethical standards in data collection and in the handling of research subjects.
7. Transparency and Financial Support
Authors are required to disclose any financial support or potential conflicts of interest related to their research, upon request by the editorial board.
The editorial team reserves the right to update this policy periodically. Authors must adhere to the most current version, and any policy changes will be communicated by the journal.
Budapest, 1 March 2024.