
The SOS development lab will open for applications in early December. Are you a producer looking to strengthen your development skills? Are you a writer with an idea for a feature length film? The SOS development lab is scouting Europe to find the screenwriters and producers of tomorrow.

SOS is an opportunity for writers and producers to meet and collaborate in a uniquely creative environment. As well as developing specific scripts, and building development skills the scheme aims to connect emerging writers and producers from all over Europe. SOS will run from April to December 2011 and contains three residential workshops in different European countries, and virtual script meetings.

SOS For Writers Writers on the programme will develop a feature length script from a one page idea. This is done through intensive workshops that feature industry professionals, development support from the SOS mentors, and structured input from the producer participants, and writing peers.

SOS for Producers Producers on the programme will build their development skills. The workshops will feature industry professionals from whom the producer will learn development tools, and new ways of approaching this creative process. Moreover the producers will have an invaluable opportunity to practice their development with the six scripts being written on the programme.

In its inaugural year SOS featured talks from writers and filmmakers including Simon Beafuoy (Slumdog Millionaire), Hanif Kureshi (Venus), Thomas Bidgeain & Pascal Caucheteux (A Prophet), Bertrand Faivre (Farewell), and Yannick Kergoat (Days Of Glory). The programme also included talks from industry figures such as Michel Reilhac (Arte), Clare Crean (The Works International) and An Rydant (VMMA).

The next call for entries will be launched in early December 2010 and will close on 28th January 2011. For more information, such as deadlines, eligibility and fees, go to for, or email with any queries.  


Szerkesztőbizottság: Bíró Yvette / Gelencsér Gábor / Hirsch Tibor / Kovács András Bálint • Szerkesztik: Margitházi Beja / Vajdovich Györgyi / Varga Balázs / Vincze Teréz
Felelős szerkesztő: Vajdovich Györgyi Szerkesztőségi munkatárs: Jordán Helén A weboldal Magazin rovatát szerkeszti: Milojev-Ferkó Zsanett

E-mail: metropolis [kukac] • Tel.: 06-20-4832523 (Jordán Helén)Metropolis a facebook-on:

Terjesztés: Holczer Miklós • Tel.: 06-30-932-8899 • e-mail: emholczer [kukac]
Előfizetés: Előfizetés ára egy évre (4 szám): 4000 Ft (postai kézbesítéssel: 6500 Ft). Előfizetési szándékát a metropolis [kukac] e-mailcímen jelezze!

Kiadja: Kosztolányi Dezső Kávéház Kulturális Alapítvány (KDKKA) • 1082 Bp., Horváth Mihály tér 16. • Felelős kiadó: Varga Balázs • Számlaszámunk: OTP 11742001-20034845 ISSN 1416-8154 (Nyomtatott) ISSN 1417-3751 (Online)

A Metropolis megjelenését támogatja: NKA (Nemzeti Kulturális Alap), Petőfi Kulturális Ügynökség, ELTE Folyóiratfejlesztési Alap, olvasóink 1%-os felajánlásaikkal


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