Margitházi BejaBarkóczi Janka

Filmarchívum: gyűjtés, megőrzés, restaurálás, hozzáférhetőség – Válogatott bibliográfia

Tanulmányok, cikkek, könyvrészletek

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Francis, David: From Parchment to Picture to Pixels Balancing the Accounts: Ernest Lindgren and the National Film Archive, 70 Years On. Journal of Film Preservation (2006) no. 71. pp. 21–41.

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Mattock, Lindsay Kistler: From Film Restoration to Digital Emulation: The Archival Code of Ethics in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Journal of Information Ethics (2010) no. 1. pp. 74–85.

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Munro, Emily: Living Proof: Exploring the Climate Crisis through Archive Footage. Journal of Film Preservation (2022) no. 106. pp. 12–22.

Nikolaidou, Elli – King, Harrison – Coley, David: Archive Film Stores in the Global South: Can they Combine Film Preservation with Sustainability? Journal of Film Preservation (2021) no. 104. pp. 41–47.

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Ricci, Steven: Saving, Rebuilding, or Making: Archival (Re)Constructions in Moving Image Archives. The American Archivist (2008) no. 71. pp. 433–455.

Russell, Cathrine: The Restoration of The Exiles: The Untimeliness of Archival Cinema. Screening the Past (2012) no. 34.

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Torma Galina: One-Hundred-Year-Old Hungarian Newsreels – The Latest Research. Journal in Film Preservation (2020) no. 103. pp. 118–128.

Tsuneishi, Fumiko: Resisting Xenophobia: Restoring Die Stadt ohne Juden. Journal of Film Preservation (2021) no. 105. pp. 115–125.

Turci, Arianna: The Use of Digital Restoration within European Film Archives: a Case Study. The Moving Image (2006) no. 1. pp. 111–124.

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Cherchi Usai, Paolo: The Death of Cinema: History, Cultural Memory and the Digital Dark Age. London: British Film Institute, 2001.

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Fossati, Giovanna: From Grain to Pixel: The Archival Life of Film in Transition. Third Revised Edition. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

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Frick, Caroline: Saving Cinema: The Politics of Preservation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Gracy, Karen: Film Preservation: Competing Definitions of Value, Use, and Practice. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2007.

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Jones, Janna: The Past Is a Moving Picture: Preserving the Twentieth Century on Film. Florida: University of Florida, 2012.

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Lameris, Bregt: Film Museum Practice and Film Historiography. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017.

Marlow-Mann, Alex (ed.): Archival Film Festivals. Volume 5. of Film Festival Yearbooks. St Andrews, UK: St Andrews Film Studies, 2013.

Matuszewski, Bolesław: Une nouvelle source de l’histoire. Création d’un dépot de cinématographie historique. Paris: 1898.

Mazzanti, Nicola (ed.): Digital Agenda for the European Film Heritage: Challenges of the Digital Era for Film Heritage Institutions. Final report prepared for the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, 2011.

McGreevey, Tom – Yeck, Joanne L.: Our Movie Heritage. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1997.

Meden, Jurij: Observations on Preserving and Exhibiting Cinema in the Early 21st Century. Vienna: Synema, 2021.

Myrent, Glenn – Langlois, Georges P.: Henri Langlois: First Citizen of Cinema. Paris: Editions Denoël, 1986.

Nissen, Dan – Richter Larsen, Lisbeth – Christensen, Thomas C. – Stub Johnsen, Jesper (eds.): Preserve Then Show. Copenhagen: Danish Film Institute, 2002.

Noordegraaf, Julia – Hediger, Vizenz – Saba, Cosetta – Le Maître, Barbara (eds.): Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art: Challenges and Perspectives. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013.

Op den Kamp, Claudy: The Greatest Films Never Seen: The Film Archive and the Copyright Smokescreen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

Parth, Kerstin (ed.): Work/s in Progress: Digital Film Restoration Within Archives. Vienna: Synema, 2013.

Pelletier, Louis – Stoeltje, Rachael (eds.): Tales from the Vaults: Film Technology over the Years and across Continents. Brussels: FIAF – Techné, 2023.

Read, Paul – Meyer, Mark-­Paul (eds.): Restoration of Motion Picture Film. Oxford: Butterworth­-Heinemann, 2000.

Roud, Richard: A Passion for Films: Henri Langlois and the Cinémathèque Française. New York: Viking, 1983.

Russell, Catherine: Archiveology: Walter Benjamin and Archival Film Practices. Duke University Press, 2018.

Siewert, Senta: Performing Moving Images. Access, Archives and Affects. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020.

Sitton, Robert: Lady in the Dark. Iris Barry and the Art on Film. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.

Slide, Anthony: Nitrate Won’t Wait: A History of Film Preservation in the United States. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1992.

Smither, Roger – Surowiec, Catherine A. (eds.): This Film Is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Brussels: FIAF, 2002.

Szabó György (ed.): Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum 1957–1982. Budapest: Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet, 1982.

Thompson, Frank T.: Lost Films: Important Movies That Disappeared. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Group, 1996.

The Film Preservation Guide: The Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums. San Francisco: National Film Preservation Foundation, 2004.

Torlasco, Domietta: The Heretical Archive: Digital Memory at the End of Film. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013.

Waldman, Harry: Missing Reels: Lost Films of American and European Cinema. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008.

Wasson, Haidee: Museum Movies: The Museum of Modern Art and the Birth of Art Cinema. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005

Szakmai folyóiratok

IASA Journal. (Kiadó: International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives)

Journal of Film Preservation. (Kiadó: International Federation of Film Archives [FIAF])

The Moving Image. (Kiadó: Association of Moving Image Archivists [AMIA])

Online bibliogáfiák

Film Preservation and Restoration – Oxford bibliography › obo-9780199791286

Reel Heritage: Film Archives and Scholarship Selected Bibliography, › Bibliography

Audiovisual archive literature: select bibliography


FIAF Glossary of Filmographic – Terms,

IASA – Cataloguing Rules Appendix D. Glossary, https:

National Archives – Archival Formats: Glossary of Terms,

The National Film and Sound Archive - Preservation Glossary,

UNESCO – Glossary of Terms Related to the Archiving of Audiovisual Materials,

A bibliográfiát összeállította: Barkóczi Janka és Margitházi Beja



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