
Archív anyagok, found footage a filmben – Válogatott bibliográfia

Könyvek, monográfiák

Baron, Jaimie: The Archive Effect: Found Footage and the Audiovisual Experience of History. London: Routledge, 2013.

Baron, Jaimie: Reuse, Misuse, Abuse: The Ethics of Audiovisual Appropriation in the Digital Era. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020.

Basilico, Stefano (ed.): Cut: Film as Found Object in Contemporary Video. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Museum, 2004.

Bernard, Sheila Curran – Kenn Rabin: Archival Storytelling: a Filmmaker’s Guide to Finding, Using, and Licensing Third-party Visuals and Music. New York: Routledge, 2020.

Brunow, Dagmar: Remediating Transcultural Memory: Documentary Filmmaking as Archival Intervention. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015.

Blümlinger, Christa: Kino aus zweiter Hand. Zur Ästhetik materieller Aneignung im Film und in der Medienkunst. Berlin: Vorwerk, 2009.

Connarty, Jane – Josephine Lanyon (eds.): Ghosting: The Role of the Archive within Contemporary Artists’ Film and Video. Bristol: Picture This Moving Image, 2006.

Hausheer, Cecilia – Settele, Christoph: Found Footage Film. Lucerne: Viper Press, 1992.

Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra: Found Footage Horror Films: Fear and the Appearance of Reality. Jefferson: McFarland, 2014.

Herzogenrath, Bernd (ed.): The Films of Bill Morrison: Aesthetics of the Archive. Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

Ishizuka, Karen L. – Patricia R. Zimmermann (eds.): Mining the Home Movie: Excavations in Histories and Memories. Berkeley – London: University of California Press, 2008.

Kádár Anna: „Körberajzolni a tűz árnyékát”. Újra felhasznált felvételek a Balázs Béla Stúdió 1968-1979 között készült filmjeiben. Pécs: PTE BTK Kommunikáció- és Médiaelméleti Tanszék, 2010.

Moran, James: There’s No Place Like Home Video. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.

Nichols, Bill – Renov, Michael (eds.): Cinema’s Alchemist: The Films of Péter Forgács. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.

Labandeira Moran, Sibley Anne: From Waste to Worth. Recycling Moving Images as a Means for Historical Inquiry. Getafe: Carlos III University of Madrid, 2015. PhD-disszertáció-kézirat.

Leyda, Jay: Films Beget Films. A Study of the Compilation Films. London: Allen and Unwin, 1964.

Pogačar, Martin: Media Archaeologies, Micro-Archives and Storytelling. Re-presencing the Past. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Rascaroli, Laura – Gwenda Young – Barry Monahan (eds.): Amateur Filmmaking: the Home Movie, the Archive, the Web. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014.

Russell, Catherine: Archiveology: Walter Benjamin and Archival Film Practices. Duke University Press, 2018. [Első fejezete magyarul: Russell, Catherine: Bevezetés az archivológiába (trans. Andorka György). Metropolis (2020) no. 1. pp. 8–25.]

Sjöberg, Patrik: The World in Pieces: A Study of Compilation Film. Stockholm: Aura Forlag, 2001.

Wees, William Charles: Recycled Images. The Art and Politics of Found Footage Films. New York: Anthology Film Archives, 1993.

Tanulmányok, cikkek,könyvrészletek

Arthur, Paul: The status of found footage. Spectator 20 (1999) no. 1. pp. 57–69.

Atkinson, Michael: Collective preconscious. Film Comment 29 (1993) no. 6. pp. 78–83.

Balint, Ruth: Representing the past and the meaning of home in Péter Forgács’s Private Hungary. In: Rascaroli, Laura – Gwenda Young – Barry Monahan (eds.): Amateur Filmmaking: the Home Movie, the Archive, the Web. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. pp. 193–206.

Barefoot, Guy: Recycled images: Rose Hobart, East of Borneo, and The Perils of Pauline. Adaptation 5 (2011) no. 2. pp. 152–168.

Baron, Jaimie: Contemporary documentary film and the „archive fever”: history, the fragment, the joke. The Velvet Light Trap 60 (2007) no. 1. pp. 13–24.

Bell, Desmond: Found footage filmmaking and popular memory. Kinema. A Jorunal for Film and Audiovisual Media (2004)

Bertozzi, Marco: The poetics of reuse. Festivals, archives and cinematic recycling in Italian documentary. Studies in Documentary Film 5 (2011). nos. 2–3. pp. 91–106.

Bracha, Rachel: Artists and the film archive: re-creation – or archival replay. Archival Science (2013) no. 13. pp. 133–141.

Brunow, Dagmar – Ingrid Stigsdotter: Scandinavian cinema culture and archival practices: Collecting, curating and accessing moving image histories. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 7 (2017) no 2. pp. 75–78.

Bruzzi, Stella: The event: archive and imagination. In: Rosenthal, Alan – John Corner (eds.): New Challenges for Documentary. Manchester – New York: Manchester University Press, 2005. pp. 419–431.

Chapman, James: Researching film and history: Sources, methods, approaches. In: Margolis, Eric – Pauwels, Luc (eds.): The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods. Los Angeles – London: Sage Publications, 2011. pp. 359–372.

Cuevas, Efrén: Home movies as personal archives in autobiographical documentaries. Studies in Documentary Film 7 (2013) no. 1. pp. 17–29.

Dall’Asta, Monica – Chiarini, Alessandra: Found footage: Women without a movie camera. Editors’ introduction. Feminist Media Histories 2 (2016) no. 3. pp. 1–10.

Daniels, Jill: Blurred boundaries: remediation of found footage in experimental autobiographical documentary filmmaking. Journal of Media Practice 18 (2017) no. 1. pp. 73–82.

Danks, Adrian: The global art of found footage cinema. In: Bradley, Linda – Palmer, R. Barton – Schneider, Steven Jay (eds.): Traditions in World Cinema. Edinburgh University Press, 2005. pp. 241–252.

De Jong, Wilma: From wallpaper to interactivity: use of archive footage in documentary filmmaking. Journalism and Mass Communication 2 (2012) no. 3. pp. 464–477.

Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Tobias: Three dimensions of archive footage. Researching archive films from the Holocaust. Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures of Central and Eastern Europe (2016) no. 2–3.

Fournier, Anik: Archival gambits in recent art. What can an image do? NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies (2013) no. 2. pp. 337–358.

Fossati, Giovanna: Found footage filmmaking. Film archiving and new participatory platforms. In: Bloemheuvel, Marente – Giovanna Fossati – Guldemond, Jaap (eds.): Found Footage: Cinema Exposed. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press – Eye Film Institute Netherlands, 2012. pp. 177–184.

Frye, Brian L.: Copyright in a nutshell for found footage filmmakers. Found Footage Magazine (2016). nr. 2. pp. 34–43.

Grossman, Alyssa – Arine Kirstein Høgel: Looking for a „now-time” in family film footage: Appropriating and activating archival images in the present. Visual Anthropology Review 36 (2020) no. 1. pp. 90–112.

Habib, André: Ruin, archive and the time of cinema: Peter Delpeut’s Lyrical Nitrate. SubStance 35 (2006) no. 2. pp. 120–139.

Haggith, Toby: The uses and abuses of archive footage. In: De Jong, Wilma – Erik Knudsen – Jerry Rothwell (eds.): Creative Documentary: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge, 2014. pp. 252–266.

Horwatt, Eli: A taxonomy of digital video remixing: Contemporary found footage practice on the Internet. In: Smith, Iain Robert (ed.): Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation. Edition of Scope, An Online Journal of Film and Television Studies, 2009. pp. 76–91.

Jarosi, Susan: Recycled cinema as material ecology: Raphael Montañez Ortiz’s found-footage films and Computer-Laser-Videos. Screen 53 (2012) no. 3. pp. 228–245.

Jekanowski, Rachel Webb: Confronting the archive: found footage filmmaking, history, and archival practice in One Man’s War and The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu. Shift. Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture (2013) no. 6. pp. 1–20.

Kepley, Vance – Swender, Rebecca: Claiming the found: archive footage and documentary practice. The Velvet Light Trap 64 (2009) no. 1. pp. 3–10.

Kuehl, Jerry: Visual history traduced: A century of compilation films. Journal of War & Culture Studies 1 (2007) no. 1. pp. 31–37.

Luckhurst, Roger: Found-footage science fiction: Five films by Craig Baldwin, Jonathan Weiss, Werner Herzog and Patrick Keiller. Science Fiction Film & Television 1 (2008) no. 2. pp. 193–214.

McRobert, Neil: Mimesis of media: found footage cinema and the horror of the real. Gothic Studies 17 (2015) no. 2. pp. 137–150.

Muhi Klára: A talált képek vonzásában. Archívok a magyar filmben. Metropolis 3 (1999) no. 2. pp. 76–91.

Murai András: Emlék-nyom-követés. Az archív felvételek stílusalakzatai. In: Gelencsér
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Nichols, Bill: Remaking history: Jay Leyda and the compilation film. Film History: An International Journal 26 (2014) no. 4. pp. 146–156.

Op den Kamp, Claudy: Recycled images: from orphan works to found footage. Art Libraries Journal 41 (2016) no. 1. pp. 24–31.

Pieldner Judit: Remediating past images. The temporality of „found footage” in Gábor Bódy’s American Torso. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 8 (2014) no. 1. pp. 59–78.

Pieldner Judit: Archival and fake found footage as medial figurations in Hungarian experimental filmmaking. Revista Laika 3 (2014) no. 6. pp. 1–17.

Pierson, Michele: Avant-garde re-enactment: World Mirror Cinema, Decasia, and The Heart of the World. Cinema Journal 49 (2009) no. 1. pp. 1–19.

Pisters, Patricia: The filmmaker as metallurgist: Political cinema and world memory. Film-Philosophy 20 (2016) no. 1. pp. 149–167.

Portuges, Catherine: Home movies, found images, and „amateur film” as a witness to history: Péter Forgács’s Private Hungary. The Moving Image: The Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists 1 (2001) no. 2. pp. 107–123.

Robbins, Dylon: Deterioration as documentation: Fashioning the cinematic artifact in the documentary. Discourse 38 (2016) no. 1. pp. 69–84.

Rogers, Holly: Audiovisual dissonance in found-footage film. In: Rogers, Holly – Barham, Jeremy (eds.): The Music and Sound of Experimental Film. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. pp. 185–204.

Rosas, Vladimir – Rubén Dittus: The autobiographical documentary: archive and montage to represent the self. Studies in Documentary Film (2020) no. 1. pp. 1–17.

Russell, Catherine: Awakening from the gendered archive: archiveology and critical cultural history. Public 29 (2018) no. 57. pp. 36–46.

Sandusky, Sharon: The archeology of redemption: Toward archival film. Millennium Film Journal 26 (1992) no. 3. pp. 3–25.

Shand, Ryan: Theorizing amateur cinema: Limitations and possibilities. The Moving Image 8 (2008) no. 2. pp. 36–60.

Simon, Jane: Recycling home movies. Continuum 20 (2006) no.2. pp. 189–199.

Simonyi, Sonja: Second looks: archival aesthetics and historical representation in Gábor Bódy’s American Postcard (1975). Studies in Eastern European Cinema 7 (2016) no. 1. pp. 68–81.

Sills-Jones, Dafydd: The second World War in colour: The UK history documentary boom and colour archive. Journal of British Cinema and Television 7 (2010) no.1. pp. 115–130.

Simon, Jane: Documenting the domestic: Chantal Akerman’s experimental autobiography as archive. Australian Feminist Studies 32 (2017) no. 91–92. pp. 150–170.

Tadeo Fuica, Beatriz – Sarah Barrow: (In) visible cinemas: Reusing archival footage in Latin American cinema. New Cinemas 13 (2015) no. 1. pp. 3–8.

Van Alphen, Ernst: Visual archives as preposterous history. Art History 30 (2007) no. 3. pp. 364–382.

Vincze, Teréz: Nostalgia and archival footage in contemporary Hungarian documentary (Gábor Zsigmond Papp: The Life of an Agent). Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication 15 (2014) no. 24. pp. 19–26.

Walden, Victoria Grace.: The archive, assemblage and archaeology. In: Uő.: Cinematic Intermedialities and Contemporary Holocaust Memory. Berkeley – London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. pp. 71–111.

Walnes, Tilly: Story without end? Found footage in the digital era. Movement Journal (2010) no. 1.

Wees, William Charles: The ambiguous aura of Hollywood stars in avant-garde found-footage films. Cinema Journal 41 (2002) no. 2. pp. 3–18.

Wees, William Charles: From compilation to collage: The found-footage films of Arthur Lipsett. The Martin Walsh Memorial Lecture 2007. Canadian Journal of Film Studies 16 (2007) no. 2. pp. 2–22.

Wood, David MJ.: Raiding the archive: Documentary appropriations of Mexican revolution footage. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 28 (2011). no. 4. pp. 275–291.

Zryd, Michael: Found footage film as discursive metahistory: Craig Baldwin’s Tribulation 99. The Moving Image 2 (2003) no. 3. pp. 40–61.

Tematikus összeállítások,folyóiratszámok

Millennium Film Journal (1992) no. 26. Archaeologies.

Scope. An Online Journal of Film and Television Studies (2010) no. 17. Using moving image archives.

Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media 54 (2013) no. 2. Cinema as Timepiece.

Feminist Media Histories 2 (2016) no. 3. Found footage: Women without a movie camera.

Online bibliográfiák



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