
Lars von Trier – Válogatott bibliográfia

Könyvek, forgatókönyvek

Bãlan, Ştefan–Chirilov, Mihail–Serban, Alex. Leo: Lars von Trier. Filmele, Femeile, Fantomele. Cluj: Editura Idea [Kolozsvár: IDEA Design&Print Kiadó], 2004.

Björkman, Stig: Conversations avec Lars von Trier (trans. Marie Berthelius). Paris: Cahiers du cinema, 2001.

Björkman, Stig: Trier om von Trier. Stockholm: Alfabeta, 1999. [Ez az alapkiadás, amely azóta több nyelven, több változatban is megjelent.]

Björkman, Stig: Trier on von Trier (trans. Neil Smith). London: Faber and Faber, 2003.

Forst, Achim: Breaking the dreams. Das Kino des Lars von Trier. Marburg, 1998.

Hallberg, Jana–Wewerka, Alexander (eds.): DOGMA 95 – Zwischen Kontrolle und Chaos. Berlin: Alexander, 2001.

Hjort, Mette–MacKenzie, Scott (eds.): Purity and Provocation: Dogma 95. London: British Film Institute, 2003.

Kelly, Richard: The Name of this Book is Dogma 95. London: Faber and Faber, 2000.

Lasagna, Roberto: Lars von Trier. Gremese Editore, 2002.

Lucantonio, Gabrielle (ed.): Lars von Trier. Dino Audino Editore, 2000.

Lumholdt, Jan: Lars von Trier: interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2003.

Porcelli, Tina: Lars von Trier e Dogma. Il Castoro Cinema, 2000.

Rodriguez, Hilario J.: Lars von Trier. El Cine sin dogmas. Madrid: Ed. JC Clementine, 2003.

Roman, Shari: Digital Babylon: Hollywood, Indiewood & Dogme 95. Los Angeles, CA: Lone Eagle Pub., 2001.

Sandrini, Luca–Scandola, Alberto: La paura mangia l’anima. Il cinema di Lars von Trier. Cierre Edizioni, 1997.

Schepelern, Peter: Lars von Triers film: tvang og befrielse. Kobenhavn: Rosinante, 2000.

Stevenson, Jack: Dogme uncut. Lars von Trier, Thomas Vinterberg, and the Gang That Took on Hollywood. Santa Monica Press, 2003.

Stevenson, Jack: Lars von Trier. London: British Film Institute, 2002.

Sudmann, Andreas: Dogma 95. Die Abkehr vom Zwang des Möglichen. Hannover: Offizin Verlag, 2001.

Trier, Lars von: Breaking the Waves. [forgatókönyv] London: Faber and Faber, 1997.

Trier, Lars von: Dancer in the Dark. [forgatókönyv] Channel 4 Books, 2000.

Trier, Lars von: Dogme 2, Idioterne. Manuskript og dagbog. [forgatókönyv és napló] Kobenhavn: Nordisk, 1998.


Átfogó tanulmányok, elemzések és interjúk

Bainbridge, B.: Just looking? Traumatic affect, film form and spectatorship in the work of Lars von Trier. Screen 45 (Winter 2004) no. 4. p. 391–400.

Bartha Ildikó: Műfaji kérdések Lars von Trier életművében. Metropolis (2006) no. 2. pp. 20–38.

Beltzer, Thomas: Lars von Trier. Senses of Cinema online.

Bíró Yvette: Dogmatikus improvizációk. In.: Bíró Yvette: Nem tiltott határátlépések. Képkalandozások kora. Budapest: Osiris, 2003. pp. 132–142.

Comuzio, E.: Fear Engulfs the Soul: The Films of Lars von Trier. Cineforum 38 (October 1998) no 8. p. 95.

Fornara, B.: Lars von Trier. Cineforum 39 (November 1999) no. 9. p. 72.

Foss, K.: Lars von Trier May Be Denmark’s Great Innovator, but He Does Not Reign Supreme in the Kingdom of Dogme. Film Comment 39 (July–August 2003) no. 4. pp. 12–13.

Földényi F. László: Lars von Trier hősnői. Női Krisztusok. Filmvilág (2003) no. 12. pp. 4–6.

Geuens, Jean-Pierre: Dogma 95: a manifesto for our times. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 18 (April 2001) no. 2. p. 191.

Giralt, Gabriel: Whatever Happened to Reality?: Dogme 95 and the Reality of Fiction. Kinema (Fall 2003)

Grodal, Torben Kragh: Die Elemente des Gefühls. Kognitive Filmtheorie und Lars von Trier. montage/av (2000) no. 1. pp. 63–96.

Győri Hanna: Bukott megváltók. Metropolis (2006) no. 2. pp. 60–72.

Hampton, Howard: Wetlands: the kingdom of Lars von Trier. Film Comment 31 (Nov–Dec 1995) no. 6. p. 40.

Hjort, Mette: Dogma 95 – A Hollywoodra adott dán válasz globalizálódása. Metropolis (2006) no. 2. pp. 94–117.

Hjort, Mette: Small Nation, Global Cinema. The New Danish Cinema. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005.

Jahanbegloo, Ramin: Lars von Trier: Pathbreaking Aesthetics in Cinema. Film International: Iranian Film Quarterly 10 (2003 Autumn–2004 Winter) no. 2. pp. 26–33.

Liszka Tamás: Tri(er)lógiák. Metropolis (2006) no. 2. pp. 8–19.

Stewart, Elizabeth: Hypnosis, Identification, and Crime in Lars von Trier’s European Trilogy. Film Journal 1 (Spring 2005) no. 12.

Stőhr Lóránt: A szegénység tízparancsolata. Dán Dogma. Beszélgetés Kovács András Bálinttal és Galambos Attilával. Filmvilág (2004) no. 2. pp. 22–26.

Stőhr Lóránt: Nincs alku. Lars von Trier melodrámái. Metropolis (2006) no. 2. pp. 40–58.

Varga Balázs: Kavics a cipőben. A Lars von Trier-paradoxon. In: Zalán Vince (ed.): Filmrendezőportrék. Budapest: Osiris, 2003. pp. 194–210.

Woodward, Richard B.: Hauteur theory: even liberal critics have chastised director Lars von Trier, who vilifes an America he has yet to visit. But what if his real target is Europe? The American Prospect 15 (June 2004) no. 6. p. 41.

Wuss, Peter: Ein kognitiver Ansatz zur Analyse des Realitäts-Effekts von Dogma-95-Filmen. montage/av (2000) no. 2. pp. 101–126.


Kapcsolódó honlapok


A bűn mélysége/A bűn lélektana

Alanen, Antti: The element of crime. Filmihullu (1989) no. 8. p. 36.

Carbonnier, Alain–Headline, D.: Lars von Trier caméra travaille contre l’histoire. [interjú] Cinéma (Feb 1985) no. 314. pp. 8–12.

Carrère, Emmanuel–Ciment, Michel–Niogret, Hubert: Lars von Trier: L’Europe après la pluie: sur The element of crime. [interjú] Positif (Feb 1985) no. 288. pp. 45–50.

Cook, Pam: Forbrydelsens element. Monthly Film Bulletin 52 (June 1985) no. 617. pp. 183–184.

De Marinis, Gualtiero: The element of crime. Cineforum 24 (June–July 1984) no. 235 pp. 19–20.

Dufour, Dirk: The element of crime: the policeman’s contract. Film en Televisie (Dec 1985) no. 343. p. 30.

’Kell’: Forbrydelsens element. Variety (May 16, 1984) p. 28., 131.

Kornum Larsen, J.: Forbrydelsens element. Kosmorama 30 (Aug 1984) no. 168. pp. 113–114.

Kornum Larsen, J.: Samtale med Lars von Trier. [interjú] Kosmorama 30 (Apr 1984) no. 167. pp. 8–17.

Ledel, Michael: The element of crime. Filmfaust 11 (Apr–May 1986) no. 52. p. 28., 30.

Longo, J.–M.: Au fond du cloaque. Cahiers du Cinéma 368 (Feb 1985) pp. 40–41.

Nacache, Jacqueline: The element of crime. Cinéma (June 1984) no. 306. p. 20.

Oliva, Ljubomír: Lars von Trier a jeho prvotina. Film a Doba 31 (Sept 1985) no. 9. p. 530.

Rodrig, A.: Element of crime. Cinématgraphe (Feb 1985) no. 107. p. 54.

Rózsavölgyi Adél: Európa elrablása. A bűn mélysége. Filmvilág (1997) no. 11. pp. 32–33.

Sobolewski, Tadeusz: Sen jest filmem. Kino 19 (June 1985) no. 6. pp. 46–47.

Tessier, Max–Parra, Danièle: Lars von Trier. [interjú] Revue du Cinéma (Feb 1985) no. 402. pp. 49–53.



Castiel, Élie: Epidemic. Multiples gestations. Séquences (July–Aug 1998) no. 197. pp. 48–49.

Ciment, Michel–Rouyer, Philippe: Entretien avec Lars von Trier. [interjú] Positif (Dec 1988) no. 334. pp. 29–32.

Clech, Thierry: La fiction dans le dos. Cahiers du Cinéma (Sept 1988) no. 411. pp. 52–53.

’Kell’: Epidemic. Variety (Apr 29, 1987) p. 20.

Nordin, L.: En film er en film er en film – eller er den? Kosmorama 33 (Summer 1987) no. 180. p. 18.



Audé, Françoise: Le point de vue du noyé. Positif (Nov 1991) no. 369. pp. 39–40. Corliss, Richard: Zentropa. Time 139 (June 8, 1992) no. 23. p. 9. Danton, A.–Jousse, Thierry–Strauss, Frédéric: Europa-express. Entretien avec Lars von Trier. Cahiers du Cinéma (Nov 1991) no. 449. pp. 32–39. Dubeau, Alain: Europa ou… la manière des plus grands. Séquences (June 1992) no. 158. pp. 21–23.

Elhem, Philippe: Europa. 24 Images (Autumn 1991) nos. 56–57. pp. 32–33.

Engven, M.: Europa. Filmrutan 34 (1991) no. 3. pp. 29–30.

Ferretti, Roberto: Saper reinventare le forme. Cinema Nuovo 41 (Mar–Apr 1992) no. 336. p. 62.

Földényi F. László: Német szenvedés. Európa. Filmvilág (1992) no. 10. pp. 4–9.

Galt, Rosalind: Back Projection: Visualizing Past and Present Europe in Zentropa. Cinema Journal 45 (2005) no. 1. pp. 3–21.

Holden, Stephen: Zentropa: The New York Times 141 (May 22, 1992) p. 14.

Joris, Luc: Runaway train... Film en Televisie (Nov 1991) no. 414. p. 23.

Jousse, Thierry: Europa. Cahiers du Cinéma (June 1991) no. 445. pp. 35–36.

Kay, Shelley: A reckoning of history. Filmnews 22 (July 1992) no. 6. p. 18.

Kennedy, Harlan: Go deeper. Film Comment 27 (July–Aug 1991) no. 4. pp. 68–69., 71.

Körte, P.–Witte, Karsten: Im Kino rund um die Welt reisen. Entfesselte Technik, moralische Kapitulation. [interjú] EPD Film 8 (July 1991) no. 7. pp. 24–29.

’Lor’: Europa. Variety (May 20, 1991) pp. 36–37.

Richolson, J.: Zentropa. Cineaste 19 (1992) nos. 2–3. pp. 62–63.

Rifbjerg, K.: Uskyldstabet eller liget i fostervandet. Kosmorama 37 (Autumn 1991) no. 197. pp. 6–8.

Romney, Jonathan: Euro paean. [interjú] Time Out (Apr 15, 1992) no. 1130. p. 65.

Sauvaget, Daniel: Lars von Trier ou les délices de l’ambiguïté. Revue du Cinéma (Nov 1991) no. 476. pp. 66–76.

Schenk, Ralf: Europa. Film und Fernsehen 19 (June–July 1991) nos. 6–7. pp. 8–9.

Snoek, Sonja: Filmen op de vuilnisbelt van de geschiedenis. Skrien (Feb–Mar 1992) no. 182. pp. 10–11.

Stillwater, Marianne: Europa, entre deux eaux. Cinéma (June 1991) no. 478. pp. 16–17.

Strick, Philip: Europa. Sight and Sound (May 1992) pp. 47–48.

Tournès, Andrée: Europa. Jeune Cinéma (Jan–Feb 1992) no. 212. p. 43.

Vicari, D.: Verso un dottor Caligari anni Novanta? Cinema Nuovo 40 (Nov–Dec 1991) no. 334. pp. 6–7.

Younis, Raymond: Europa. Cinema Papers (Aug 1992) no. 89. pp. 52–53.

Zach, Ondrej: Evropa Larse von Triera. Film a Doba 39 (Winter 1993) no. 4. pp. 249–251.

Zwick, Steve: Lights, Camera, Family: The business model behind Zentropa, Denmark’s quirky but successful filmmaker, is communalism. Time International 155 (May 15, 2000) no. 19. p. 40.



Agger, Gunhild: Hoved-, humor- og genrehistorier. En analyse af Riget. K&K (1996) no. 80. pp. 135–158.

Beaucage, Paul: Le royaume II. Ciné-Bulles 17 (Autumn 1998) no. 3. pp. 53–55.

Bouquet, Stéphane–Ostria, Vincent: Au royaume des ombres. Les thérapies de Lars von Trier. [interjú] Cahiers du Cinéma (July–Aug 1995) no. 493. pp. 50–53.

Carels, Edwin: Abortus interruptus. Andere Sinema (May–June 1995) no. 127. pp. 30–32.

Carter, Bill: A Hospital That’s a Real Horror Show. The New York Times (Feb 29, 2004) p. 21.

Creeber, G.: Surveying The Kingdom: explorations of medicine, memory and modernity in Lars von Triers The Kingdom (1994). European Journal of Cultural Studies 5 (Nov 1, 2002) no. 4. p. 387.

De Bernardinis, Flavio: The kingdom – il regno. Segnocinema 17 (Mar–Apr 1997) no. 84. pp. 62–63.

Elley, Derek: The kingdom (Riget). Variety (Sept 26, 1994) p. 63., 65.

Feldvoss, Marli: The kingdom. EPD Film 12 (Aug 1995) no. 8. p. 35.

Fornara, Bruno: Il fantasma dell’ospedale. Cineforum 36 (Oct 1996) no. 358. pp. 8–11.

Galambos K. Attila: Kórház az egész világ. Birodalom I–VIII. Filmvilág (1998) no. 12. pp. 38–39.

Hammond, Wally: Edge of darkness. [interjú] Time Out (Jan 3, 1996) no. 1324. p. 23.

Holden, Stephen: The Kingdom. The New York Times 144 (Jan 6, 1995) p. 6.

Jókúti András–Nékám Petra–Simonyi Balázs: Szellemkórház. Filmvilág (2006) no. 9. pp. 42–45.

Kimergård, Lars Bo–Piil, Morten: Mediernes morgenluft? Det kontrollerede anarki. Kosmorama 41 (Spring 1995) no. 211. pp. 8–14.

Kömlődi Ferenc: Egy európai Twin Peaks. Lars von Trier tévésorozata. Filmvilág (2005) no. 8. pp. 20–21.

Lars von Trier Birodalma. Kerekasztal-beszélgetés. Pergő Képek (2004) no. 17. pp. 10–23.

Le Fanu, Mark–Poisson, Marie-Eve: Lars von Trier. [interjú] Positif (July–Aug 1995) nos. 413–414 pp. 114–122.

Lieb, Rebecca: A brainy Danish director tries something funny. Lars von Trier directs ’The Kingdom.’ The New York Times 145 (Oct 29, 1995) p. 28.

Macnab, Geoffrey: The kingdom (Riget). Sight and Sound (Jan 1996) pp. 43–44.

Mather, Philippe: Un hôpital fantastique. Ciné-Bulles 14 (Winter 1995) no. 4. pp. 16–17.

Matthews, Peter: The kingdom II. Riget II. Sight and Sound (Aug 1998) no. 8. pp. 46–47.

Messias, Hans: The kingdom – Hospital der Geister. Film dienst 48 (June 6, 1995) no. 12. pp. 24–25.

Newman, Kim: The kingdom. Eyeball (Winter 1996) no. 4. pp. 28–29.

O’Neill, Eithne: The Kingdom II : Vérité monstrueuse. Positif (Oct 1998) no. 452. pp. 58–59.

Ostria, Vincent: Comment l’esprit vient aux neurochirurgiens. Cahiers du Cinéma (Apr 1995) no. 490. pp. 6–7.

Rooney, David: The kingdom II. Riget II. Variety (Sept 15, 1997) p. 80.

Tangherlini Timothy R.: Ghost in the machine: Supernatural threat and the state in Lars von Trier’s Riget. Scandinavian Studies 73 (Spring 2001) no. 1. p. 1–24.



Ansen, David: Breaking the Waves. Newsweek 128 (Dec 9, 1996) no. 24. p. 82.

Arthur, Paul: Breaking the Waves. Film Comment 32 (Nov–Dec 1996) no. 6. p. 67.

Audé, Françoise–Braad Thomsen, Christian: Lars von Trier. [interjú] Positif (Oct 1996) no. 428. pp. 12–21.

Björkman, Stig: De glasklara bildernas magi. Chaplin 28/2 (1996) no. 263. pp. 22–26.

Björkman, Stig: Les nouvelles expériences de Lars von Trier. [interjú] Cahiers du Cinéma (May 1996) no. 502. pp. 36–39.

Björkman, Stig–Francke, Lizzie: Naked miracles. Breaking the waves. [interjú] Sight and Sound (Oct 1996) pp. 10–14., 36–37. [Magyarul: Björkman, Stig: Meztelen csodák. Beszélgetés Lars von Trierrel. //Filmvilág// (1997) no. 11. pp. 28–29.]

Bowman, James: Breaking the Waves. The American Spectator 30 (Jan 1997) no. 1. p. 64.

Corliss, Richard: Breaking the Waves. Time 148 (Dec 2, 1996) no. 25. p. 81.

Dannowski, Hans Werner: Breaking the waves: Theologische Motive. EPD Film 13 (Nov 1996) no. 11. p. 16.

Faber, A.: Redeeming Sexual Violence? A Feminist Reading of Breaking the Waves. Literature and Theology 17 (March 2003) no. 1. p. 59.

Fadda, M.: Breaking the waves. Cineforum 36 (June 1996) no. 355. p. 15.

Földényi F. László: A lehetetlen prófétája. Hullámtörés. Filmvilág (1997) no. 11. pp. 26–31.

Gordon, Suzy: Breaking the Waves and the negativity of Melanie Klein: rethinking ’the female spectator’. Screen 45 (Aut 2004) no. 3. pp. 206–225.

Greene, Mark: An Archetypal Analysis of Numinosum In Breaking the Waves. Mythosphere 1 (October 1999) no. 4. p. 545.

Gudmundsdottir, Arnfriour: Female Christ-figures in Films: A Feminist Critical Analysis of Breaking the Waves and Dead Man Walking. Studia Theologica 56 (June 1, 2002) no. 1.

Guérin, Marie-Anne: Breaking the waves. Entretien avec Lars von Trier. [interjú] Cahiers du Cinéma (June 1996) no. 503. pp. 22–25.

Heath, Stephen: God, Faith and Film: Breaking the Waves. Literature and Theology 12 (1998) no. 1. pp. 93–107.

Jeffrey, Pence: Cinema of the Sublime: Theorizing the Ineffable. Poetics Today 25 (Spring 2004) no. 1. p. 29.

Kauffmann, Stanley: Breaking the Waves. The New Republic 215 (Dec 9, 1996) no. 24. p. 26.

Keefer, Kyle–Linafelt, Tod: The End of Desire: Theologies of Eros in the Song of Songs and Breaking the Waves. Journal of Religion and Film 5 (April 2001) no. 1.

Kermabon, Jacques: Le sacrifice. 24 Images (Autumn 1996) nos. 83–84 pp. 24–25.

Kindblom, Mikaela: Kvinnliga offeritualer. Chaplin 38/4 (1996) no. 265. p. 51.

Klawans, Stuart: Breaking the Waves. The Nation 263 (Dec 2, 1996) no. 18. p. 35.

Kühn, Heike: Breaking the waves. EPD Film 13 (Oct 1996) no. 10. pp. 30–31.

Loiseau, Jean-Claude–Murat, Pierre: Breaking the waves. J’ai voulu faire un film sentimental. [interjú] Télérama (Oct 9, 1996) no. 2439. pp. 30–34.

Lopez-Aranda, Julietta: Breaking the Waves. Films in Review 48 (Jan–Feb 1997) nos. 1–2. p. 69.

Makarushka, Irena S. M.: Transgressing Goodness in Breaking the Waves. Journal of Religion and Film 2 (April 1998) no. 1.

Maslin, Janet: Breaking the Waves. The New York Times 145 (Oct 4, 1996) p. 1.

Mazierska, Ewa: Amor omnie. Kino 31 (Feb 1997) no. 356. pp. 43–44.

Mercadante, Linda: Bess the Christ Figure?: Theological Interpretations of Breaking the Waves. Journal of Religion and Film 5 (April 2001) no. 1.

Nelson, Victoria: The new expressionism: Why the bells ring in Breaking the Waves. Salmagundi (Fall 1997) p. 228–238.

Oppenheimer, Jean–Williams, David E.: Von Trier and Müller’s ascetic aesthetic on Breaking the waves. [interjú] American Cinematographer 77 (Dec 1996) no. 12. p. 18., 20., 22.

Paterson, Elaine: Stranger on the shore. [interjú] Time Out (Oct 9, 1996) no. 1364. pp. 28–29.

Pisters, Patricia–Minks, Patrick: Breaking the waves. Op zoek naar het naïeve kijken. [interjú] Skrien (Aug–Sept 1996) no. 209. pp. 10–16.

Plazewski, Jerzy: Breaking the waves. Kino 31 (Jan 1997) no. 355. pp. 28–29.

Poussu, Tarmo: Breaking the waves. Filmihullu (1997) no. 1. p. 41.

Rafferty, Terrence: Breaking the Waves. The New Yorker 72 (Nov 18, 1996) no. 35. p. 123.

Rahayel, Oliver: Breaking the waves. Film dienst 49 (Sept 24 1996) no. 20. pp. 16–17.

Restuccia, Frances L.: Impossible love in Breaking the Waves: Mystifying hysteria. Literature and Psychology 47 (2001) nos. 1–2. p. 34–54.

Sedakova, O.: Krepka, kak szmert ljubov. Iszkussztvo Kino (June 1997) no. 6. pp. 86–101., (July 1997) no. 7. pp. 90–105.

Signorelli, A.–Crespi, Alberto: Mar d’amore. La loro musica. Cineforum 36 (Oct 1996) no. 358. pp. 4–8.

Simon, John: Breaking the Waves. National Review 48 (Dec 23, 1996) no. 24.  p. 58.

Sjödin, Christer: The Significance of Belief for Psychoanalysis. International Forum of Psychoanalysis 12 (April 2003) no. 1.

Stratton, David: Breaking the waves. Variety (May 20, 1996) p. 29., 35.

Strauss, Frédéric–Guérin, Marie-Anne: Breaking the waves. Cahiers du Cinéma (Oct 1996) no. 506. pp. 26–31.

van De Walle, Mark: Heaven’s weight. Artforum International 35 (Nov 1996) no. 3. p. 82.

Vincze Teréz: A csoda anatómiája. Pergő Képek (2002) no. 10. pp. 53–55.



Brooks, Xan: Burn, baby, burn. Sight and Sound (May 1999) pp. 34–35., 50.

Galambos K. Attila: A kényszer zubbonya. Idióták. Filmvilág (2000) no. 10. pp. 18–21.

Jerslev, Anne: Dogma 95, Lars von Trier´s The Idiots and the ’Idiot Project’. In: Realism and ’Reality’ in Film and Media. Kopenhagen, 2002. pp. 41–66.

Klawans, Stuart: Village Idiots, Then & Now. The Nation 270 (May 29, 2000) no. 21. p. 35.

Little, Gregory: The Prodromic Institution of Spass: The Idiots. Senses of Cinema online.

Roberts, John: The Idiots. New Left Review (Nov–Dec 1999) no. 238. p. 141–149.

Rooney, David: The idiots. Variety (May 25, 1998) p. 61.

Scott, A.O.: Colloquies on the finer points of drooling. The New York Times (April 28, 2000) p. 21.

Sterritt, David: The Idiots. Film Comment 36 (March 2000) no. 2. p. 75.

Stőhr Lóránt: Pokolba a technikával. Dogma filmek a Titanic fesztiválon. Filmkultúra online.

Walters, Tim: Reconsidering The Idiots: Dogme95, Lars von Trier, and the cinema of subversion. Velvet Light Trap (Spring 2004) no. 53. pp. 40–54.


Táncos a sötétben

Ago, Allesandro: Once Upon a Time in Amerika: ’Dancer in the Dark’ and Contemporary European Cinema. Spectator – The University of Southern California Journal of Film and Television 23 (Fall 2003) no. 2. pp. 32–43.

Arroyo, Jose: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Von Trier? Sight and Sound (2000 Sept) no. 9. pp. 14–16.

Bakács Tibor Settenkedő: Sötétben fénylő. Élet és Irodalom 45 (2001) no. 4.

Björkman, Stig: Juggling in the dark. Sight and Sound (Dec 1999) no. 12. pp. 8–10.

Cooper, Dennis: Flailing Vision. Artforum International 39 (Oct 2000) no. 2. p. 29.

Galambos K. Attila: Dalolva a vérpadra. Táncos a sötétben. Filmvilág (2001) no. 2. pp. 50–51.

Graham, Rhys: Dancer in the Dark. Senses of Cinema online.

Gyenge Zsolt: Az érzelmek foglyai. Filmtett (2001 január) no. 1. pp. 34–35.

Koch, Gertrud: »Everything feels so wrong«. Lars von Triers Dancer in the Dark. In: Hagener, M.– Schmidt, J.N.–Wedel, M.: Die Spur durch den Spiegel. Berlin, 2004. pp. 422–428.

Powers, Ann: Making a tragedy with a happy ending: in ’Dancer in the Dark’, a grim tale leavened by inner music, the singer Bjork so immersed herself that friends were worried. The New York Times (Sept 17, 2000) p. 11.

Romney, Jonathan: Falling flat. New Statesman 129 (Sept 18, 2000) no. 4504. p. 44.

Scott, A.O.: Universe without happy endings. The New York Times (Sept 22, 2000) p. 1.

Shargel, Raphael: From Bad to Better. The New Leader 83 (Nov 2000) no. 5. p. 55.

Smith, Gavin: Imitation of life. Film Comment 36 (Sept 2000) no. 5. pp. 22–26.


Dogville – A menedék

Alleva, Richard: The melancholy Dane: Lars von Trier’s Dogville. Commonweal 131 (April 9, 2004) no. 7. p. 19.

Atkinson, Adam: On the Nature of Dogs, the Right of Grace, Forgiveness and Hospitality: Derrida, Kant, and Lars von Trier's Dogville. Senses of Cinema online.

Björkman, Stig: Thieves like us. Sight and Sound (July 2003) no. 7. pp. 13–14.

Brandt, Per Aage: The Political Philosophy of a Dogville: On Dogville by Lars von Trier. p.o.v: A Danish Journal of Film Studies 16 (2003 Dec) pp. 51–55.

Chu, Jeff: Great Dane: Mad genius? Superhero? Provocateur? All of the above. Lars von Trier is a high-impact director, heading to Cannes with Dogville, his latest film. Time International 161 (May 19, 2003) no. 20. p. 58.

Corliss, Richard: Empty Set, Plot to Match: Dogville is a fascinating experiment, but it fails to produce any breakthrough in entertainment. Time 163 (April 12, 2004) no. 15. p. 72.

D’Angelo, Mike: Theater of cruelty: sadistic director Lars von Trier has delivered the best film of the year. Already. Esquire 141 (April 2004) no. 4. p. 36–37.

Denby, David: The Quick and the Dead. The New Yorker 80 (March 29, 2004) no. 6. p. 103.

Dragon Zoltán: Kutyavilág – a Dogville térszerkezete és a nézői szubjektum. Metropolis (2006) no. 2. pp. 74–87.

Eagan, Daniel: Dogville. Film Journal International 107 (March 2004) no. 3. p. 40.

Fibiger, Bo: A Dog not Yet Buried – Or Dogville as a Political Manifesto. p.o.v: A Danish Journal of Film Studies 16 (2003 Dec) pp. 51–55.

Gyenge Zsolt: Filmszínház. Filmtett (2003 november) no. 9. p. 38.

Hoberman, J.: Our town. [interjú] Sight and Sound (Feb 2004) no. 2. p. 24.

Holden, Stephen: Virtue Is Its Own Punishment. The New York Times (Oct 4, 2003) p. 7.

Jacobson, H.: Lars von Trier, the Lord of Cinema’s New Church, Proclaims America… the Land of the Damned. Film Comment 39 (Nov–Dec 2003) no. 6. pp. 20–21.

Johnson, Brian D.: It shakes a village; a stranger brings trouble to town in three fish-out-of-water fables. Maclean’s (April 5, 2004) p. 46.

Kermode, Mark: A dog's life: Mark Kermode watches yet another leading lady sacrificed to the cruelty of Lars von Trier. New Statesman 133 (Feb 16, 2004) no. 4675. p. 46.

Kriston László: Színpadra húzva. Beszélgetés Lars von Trierrel. Filmvilág (2003) no. 12. pp. 10–11.

Pólik József: Hogyan lett a Dogville-ből Godville? Pergő Képek (2004) no. 17. pp. 32–36.

Rice, Shelley: Dogville: the American effect. Art in America 92 (April 2004) no. 4. p. 49.

Rockwell, John: ’Dogville’ Shows a Danish Director’s German Side. The New York Times (Oct 10, 2003) p. 4.

Römers, Holger: “Colorado Death Trip”: The Surrealist Recontextualisation of Farm Security Administration Photos in Dogville. Senses of Cinema online.

Sklar, Robert: Dogville. Cineaste 29 (Summer 2004) no. 3. p. 47–49.

Thomas, Dana: Directing In the Dark. Newsweek International (June 16, 2003) p. 56.

Varga Balázs: A kolorádói krétakör. Filmvilág (2003) no. 12. pp. 7–9.


Öt akadály

Báron György: Párbaj. Élet és Irodalom 49 (2005) no. 21.

Corliss, Richard: Five Difficult Pieces: Lars von Trier puts a fellow director to a torture test. And – surprise – a terrific film ensues. Time 163 (June 7, 2004) no. 23. p. 126.

Kehr, Dave: Lars von Trier Turns a Movie Into a Quintuple Dare. The New York Times (May 23, 2004) p. 27.

Kelly, Richard: The Five Obstructions. Sight and Sound (Dec 2003) no. 12. p. 34.

Muhi Klára: Dogma-duellum. Filmvilág (2005) no. 1. p. 56.

Quandt, James: Leth is more: James Quandt on the five obstructions. Artforum International 42 (March 2004) no. 7. p. 64.

Széphelyi Júlia: Öt mű-akadály. Filmkultúra online.

Winter, Jessica: Of Human Bondage: Dogme Godfather Braves an Obstruction Course. The Village Voice 48 (17 September 2003–23 September 2003) no. 38. p. 78.



Báron György: A szabadság boldogtalansága. Élet és Irodalom 50 (2006) no. 2.

Besze Flóra: Szétrugdalt homokvár. Lars von Trier: Manderlay. Filmkultúra online.

Harsin, Jayson: Von Trier’s Brechtian Gamble. Bright Lights Film Journal (Feb 2006) no. 51.

Schubert Gusztáv: Gengszterek és filantrópok. Filmvilág (2006) no. 1. pp. 52–53.




Szerkesztőbizottság: Bíró Yvette / Gelencsér Gábor / Hirsch Tibor / Kovács András Bálint • Szerkesztik: Margitházi Beja / Vajdovich Györgyi / Varga Balázs / Vincze Teréz
Felelős szerkesztő: Vajdovich Györgyi Szerkesztőségi munkatárs: Jordán Helén A weboldal Magazin rovatát szerkeszti: Milojev-Ferkó Zsanett

E-mail: metropolis [kukac] • Tel.: 06-20-4832523 (Jordán Helén)Metropolis a facebook-on:

Terjesztés: Holczer Miklós • Tel.: 06-30-932-8899 • e-mail: emholczer [kukac]
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A Metropolis megjelenését támogatja: NKA (Nemzeti Kulturális Alap), Petőfi Kulturális Ügynökség, ELTE Folyóiratfejlesztési Alap, olvasóink 1%-os felajánlásaikkal


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