
Orson Welles – Válogatott bibliográfia


Comito, Terry (ed.): Touch of evil. New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers University Press, 1985.

Kael, Pauline: The Citizen Kane book. Boston, MA: Limelight editions, 1984.

La soif du mal. Avant-Scène Cinéma (Jan-Feb. 1986) nos. 346-347.

The Big Brass Ring. Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Teresa Press, 1987.

The Trial. A film by Orson Welles. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1984.

Összefoglaló írások, könyvek

Allais, Jean-Claude: Orson Welles. Lyon: Serdoc, 1961.

Allais, Jean-Claude: Orson Welles, itinéraire d'un poète maudit. Cahiers de la Cinémathèque (Summer 1976) no. 20. pp. 47-65.

Anderegg, Michael: Orson Welles as a performer. Persistence of Vision (1989) no. 7.

Arecco, Sergio: L'illegalitá metonimica della testimonianza. Filmcritica 23 (1971) no. 212. pp. 4-12.

Arthur, Paul: Orson Welles, beginning to end. Every film an epitaph. Persistence of Vision (1989) no. 7.

Bazin, André: Orson Welles. Paris: Éd. Chavanne, 1950. 2., bővített kiadás: Paris: Éd. du Cerf, 1972. [Magyarul részletei In: Bazin, André: //Mi a film?// Budapest: Osiris kiadó, 1995. pp. 257-326. (ford. Erdélyi Z. Ágnes)]

Bessy, Maurice: Orson Welles. Paris: Seghers, 1963.

Bessy, Maurice: Orson Welles. An Investigation Into His Films and Philosophy. New York: Crown Publishers, 1971.

Bogdanovich, Peter: This is Orson Welles (ed. Jonathan Rosenbaum) New York: Harper Perennial, 1992. [Magyarul: Bogdanovich: Orson Welles. Budapest: Osiris kiadó, megjelenés előtt.]

Buchka, Peter-Jenny, Urs et al.: Orson Welles. München: Hanser Verlag, 1977.

Callow, Simon: Orson Welles. The road to Xanadu. London: Vintage, 1996.

Cappabianca, Alessandro: La spirale di Orson Welles. Filmcritica 22 (1971) no. 212. pp. 13-20.

Cobos, Juan: Orson Welles: Espana como obsesión. Valencia: Filmoteca de la Gen. Valenciana: Filmoteca Espanola, 1993.

Comolli, Jean-Louis: Jack le fatalist. Cahiers du Cinéma (August 1967) no. 181.

Cowie, Peter: A ribbon of dreams. The cinema of Orson Welles. London: Zwemmer, 1965. 2. kiadás: The Cinema of Orson Welles. New York: Da Capo Press, 1983.

Daney, Serge: Welles in power. Cahiers du Cinéma (August 1967) no. 181.

Davies, Anthony: Filming Shakespeare's plays. The adaptations of Laurence Olivier, Orson Welles, Peter Brook, Akira Kurosawa. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Del Ministro, M.: Il futuro dell' illusione nella poetica di Orson Welles. Cinema Nuovo 23 (July-Aug. 1974) no. 230. pp. 252-262.

Duboeuf, Pierre: The other side. Cahiers du Cinéma (August 1967) no. 181.

Estève, Michel: Orson Welles, l'éthique et l'esthétique. Paris: Minard, 1963.

Goldfarb, Phyllis: Orson Welles' use of sound. Take One (July-Aug. 1971)

Gow, G.: A touch of Orson. Film & Foto 21 (Dec. 1974) no. 3. pp. 22-29.

Hanke, Ken: Orson Welles the actor. Films in Review (March 1986) Vol. 37. no. 3.

Henderson, Brian: The long take. Film Comment (Summer 1971). Reprint. In: Nichols, Bill (ed.): Movies and Methods. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.

Higham, Charles: The films of Orson Welles. Berkeley, CA.: University of California Press, 1971.

Howard, James: The complete films of Orson Welles. New York: Citadel Press Book-Carol Publishing Group, 1991.

Johnson, William: Orson Welles: Of time and loss. Film Quarterly (Fall 1967)

Kiséry András: Welles és Shakespeare. Metropolis 4 (2000) no. 2. pp. 38-56.

Khron, Bill: Orson Welles revient. Cahiers du Cinéma (Jan. 1982) no. 331. pp. I-II.

Leaming, Barbara: Orosn Welles. A biography. New York: Viking Press, 1985.

Legrand, G.: Narcisse centrifuge et la dame coupé en morceaux. Positif (Juin 1982) no. 256. pp. 22-28.

Marienstras, R.: Orson Welles, interprète et continuateur de Shakespeare. Positif (Mar. 1975) no. 157. pp. 36-44.

McBride, Joseph: All's Welles. Film Comment 14 (Nov-Dec. 1978) no. 6. pp. 24-27.

McBride, Joseph: Orson Welles. New York: Viking Press, 1972.

McBride, Joseph: Orson Welles. Actor and director. New York: Jove Publications, 1977.

Naremore, James: The magic world of Orson Welles. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.

Nemes Károly: Orson Welles. Budapest: Gondolat, 1977.

Pechter, Wilham S.: Trials. Sight and Sound (Winter 1963-64).

Riambau, Estève: Orson Welles: Una espana immortal. Valencia: Filmoteca de la Gen. Valenciana: Filmoteca Espanola, 1993.

Stanbrook, A.: The heroes of Welles. Film (March-Apr. 1961)

Thomas, François: La voix des autres ou le petit théâtre du marionettiste. Positif (July-Aug. 1992) no. 378. pp. 25-28.

Thomson, David: Rosebud. The story of Orson Welles. New York: Vintage Books, 1997.

Valentinetti, Claudio M.: Orson Welles. Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1980.

Wood, Bret: Orson Welles. A bio-bibliography. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1990.

Folyóiratkülönszámok, összeállítások

Berthomé, Jean-Pierre et al: Orson Welles (Special section). Positif (July-Aug. 1992) no. 378.

Bessy, M.-Braucourt, G. et al: Orson Welles. Écran (Feb. 1975) no. 33. pp. 15-33.

Cahiers du Cinéma (1980) hors série no. 7.

Cahiers du Cinéma no. 181. (August 1967)

La soif du mal. Avant-Scène Cinéma (Jan-Feb 1986) nos. 346-347.

Orson Welles au futur (special secion). Positif (Jan. 2001) no. 479.

Orson Welles (special section). Positif (July-Aug. 1998) nos. 449-450.

Simon, William G. et al: Special Isuue on Orson Welles. Persistence of Vision (may 1989) no. 7.

Átfogó interjúk

Bazin, André-Bitsch, Charles-Domarchi, Jean: Entretiens avec Orson Welles. Cahiers du Cinéma (juin 1958) no. 84. pp. 1-13., (sept. 1958) no. 87. pp. 2-26. Reprint in: Bazin, André: Orson Welles. pp. 131-184. [Magyarul részleteit ld. ''Bazin- Bitsch-Domarchi'': Beszélgetés Orson Wellesszel (ford. Morvay Zsuzsa). //Metropolis// 4 (2000) no. 2. pp. 72-89.]

Bucher, F.: O bohua - filmovém - svete. Rozhovor s Orsonem Wellesem. Film & Doba 18 (June 1972) no. 6. pp. 314-321.

Daney, Serge: Very Welles. Casablanca (Apr. 1982) no. 16. pp. 44-49.

Koval, Francis: Interview with Welles. Sight and Sound (Dec. 1950).

Tanulmányok Welles filmjeiről

Aranypolgár [Citizen Kane]

Bordwell, David: Citizen Kane. Film Comment (Summer 1971). Reprint. In: Nichols, Bill (ed.): Movies and Methods. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.

Carringer, Robert L.: Citizen Kane, The Great Gatsby and some other conventions of American narrative. Critical Inquiery(Winter 1975).

Carringer, Robert L.: The making of Citzen Kane. Berkeley, C.A. University of California Press, 1985. [A "Cinematography" és a "Postproduction" c. fejezeteket magyarul ld.: ''Carringer'': Az Aranypolgár készítése. (ford. Rozsnyik László). //Metropolis// 4 (2000) no. 2. pp. 6-36.]

Carringer, Robert L.: The Scripts of Citizen Kane. Critical Inquiery (Winter 1978).

Ciment, M.: Ouragans autour de Kane. Positif (Mar. 1975) no. 167. pp. 20-28.

Cohen, M.: The Heart of Darkness in Citizen Kane. Cinema Journal 22 (Fall 1972) no. 1. pp. 11-25.

Cutts, John: Citizen Kane. Films and Filming (Dec. 1963).

Damico, J.: News marches in place. Kane's newsreel as a cutting critique. Cinema Journal 16 (Spring 1977) no. 2. pp. 51-58.

Gottesman, Ronald (ed.): Focus on Citizen Kane. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

Herrmann, Bernard: Citizen Kane. Film Music Notes (1941) Vol. 1. no. 1.

Herrmann, Bernard: Score for a film. The New York Times (1941. 05.25.)

Jaffe, I. S.: Film as the narrative of space. Citizen Kane. Litterature/Film Quarterly 7 (1979) no. 2. pp. 99-111.

Kael, Pauline: The Citizen Kane book. Boston, MA: Limelight Editions, 1984.

Karcsai Kulcsár István: Welles és az Aranypolgár. Filmkultúra 11 (1975 szept-okt.) no. 5. pp. 45-52.

Knight, Arthur: Citizen Kane revisited. Action (May 1969).

McBride, Joseph: Citizen Kane. Film Heritage (Fall 1968).

McBride, Joseph: Rough sledding with Pauline Kael. Film Heritage (Fall 1971).

Sarris, Andrew: Citizen Kael vs. Citizen Kane. The Village Voice (1971.04.15., 1971. 5.27., 1971.06.03.)

Sarris, Andrew: Citizen Kane: The American baroque. Film Culture (1956) no. 2.

Shales, Tom: Antecedents to Citizen Kane. The American Film Heritage (Washington D.C.)(1972).

Toland, Gregg: How I Broke the rules in Citizen Kane. Popular Photography (June 1941).

Toland, Gregg: Realism for Citizen Kane. American Cinematographer (Febr. 1941). Reprint.: American Cinematographer (April 1975).

A csodálatos Ambersonok / Az Ambersonok ragyogása / Az Ambersonok tündöklése [The Magnificient Ambersons]

Cobos, Juan-Rubio, Miguel: Welles and Falstaff. Sight and Sound (Autmun 1966).

Kalinak, Kathryn: The text of music. A study of the Magnificient Ambersons. Cinema Journal (Summer 1988).

McBride, Joseph: The Magnificient Ambersons. Persistence of Vision (1968).

Taylor, Caroline: The not-so Magnificient Ambersons. Humanities (July-Aug. 1988).

Weinberg, Herman G.: The legion of lost films. Sight and Sound (Autumn 1962).

Az óra körbejár [The Stranger]

Palmer, R. Burton: The Politics of Genre in Welles' The Stranger. Film Criticism (Winter 1984-85) Vol. 9. no. 2.

A sanghaji asszony [The Lady from Sanghai]

Graham, Mark: The inaccessibility of the Lady from Shanghai. Film Criticism (Spring 1981) Vol. 5. no. 3.


Harper, Wendy Rogers: Polanski vs. Welles on Macbeth. Character or fate? Litterature/Film Quaterly (1986) Vol. 14. no. 4.

Mullin, M.: Macbeth on film. Litterature/Film Quaterly 1 (Fall 1973) no. 4. pp. 332-342.

Raynor, Henry: Shakespeare filmed. Sight and Sound (July-Sept. 1952).


Raynor, Henry: Shakespeare filmed. Sight and Sound (July-Sept. 1952).

Mr. Arkadin [Mr. Arkadin / Confidential Report]

Hale, N.: Welles and the logic of death. Film Heritage 10 (Fall 1974) no. 1. pp. 31-36.

A gonosz érintése [Touch of Evil]

Belton, J.: The new map of the labyrinth. The unretouched Touch of Evil. M'Tone News (Jan. 1976) no. 47. pp. 1-9.

Comito, Terry (ed.): Touch of Evil. New Brunswick, NJ.: TRutgers University Press, 1985.

Delson, James: Heston on Welles. Take One (July-Aug. 1971) vol. 3. no. 6. Reprint. In: Comito: Touch of Evil.

Hale, N.: Welles and the logic of death. Film Heritage 10 (Fall 1974) no. 1. pp. 31-36.

Krueger, E. M.: Touch of Evil. Style expressing content. Cinema Journal 12 (Fall 1972) pp. 57-63.

Rosenbaum, Jonathan: In the picture. Sight and Sound (Autumn 1975).

Weinberg, Herman G.: Touch of Evil. Film Culture (1959) no. 20.

A per [Le procès / The Trial]

Lev, Peter: Three adaptations of the Trial. Litterature/Film Quaterly (1984) Vol. 12. no. 3.

Martinez, E.: The Trial of Orson Welles. Films and Filming (Oct. 1962)

Thomas, François: La voix des autres ou le petit théâtre du marionettiste. Positif (July-Aug. 1992) no. 378. pp. 25-28.

Falstaff [Campanadas a Medianoches / Chimes at Midnight / Falstaff]

Anderegg, Michael: Every third wind a lie. Rhetoric and history in Orson Welles' Chimes at Midnight. Film Quaterly (Spring 1987).

Billard, Pierre: Chimes at Midnight. Sight and Sound (Spring 1965).

Cobos, Juan-Rubio, Miguel: Welles and Falstaff. Sight and Sound (Autmun 1966).

Crowl, Samuel: Welles and Falstaff. Shakespeare Quaterly (Autumn 1980).

Lyons, Bridget Gellert (ed.): Chimes at Midnight. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1988.

McBride, Joseph: Welles' Chimes at Midnight. Film Quarterly (Fall 1969).

McLean, Andrew: Orson Welles and Shakespeare. History and Conciousness in Chimes at Midnight. Litterature/Film Quaterly (1983).

Rubin, Stanley S.: Welles/Falstaff/Shakespeare/Welles. The narrative structure of Chimes at Midnight. Film Criticism (Winter-Spring 1978).

Welles on Falstaff. Cahiers du Cinéma (August 1967) no. 181.

L'Histoire Immortelle / The Immortal Story

McBride, Joseph: Welles' Immortal Story. Sight and Sound (Autumn 1970).

Silver, Charles: The Immortal Story. Film Comment (Summer 1971).

Vérités et Mensonges / F for Fake / "?"

Allais, Jean-Claude: Orson Welles, itinéraire d'un poète maudit. Cahiers de la Cinémathèque (Summer 1976) no. 20. pp. 47-65.

Bukatman, Scott: Incompletion, simulation and the refusal of the real. The last films of Orson Welles. Persistence of Vision (1989) no. 7.

Johnson, W.: F for Fake. Film Quaterly 29 (Summer 1976) no. 4. pp. 42-47.

Oliva, L.: 5/10. Film & Doba 21 (Aug. 1975) no. 8. pp. 428-429.

Filming Othello

Bukatman, Scott: Incompletion, simulation and the refusal of the real. The last films of Orson Welles. Persistence of Vision (1989) no. 7.


Hearts of Age

McBride, Joseph: Welles before Kane. Film Quarterly (Spring 1970).

Too Much Johnson

Brady, F.: The lost film of Orson Welles. American Film 4 (Nov. 1978) no. 2. pp. 63-69.

McBride, Joseph: Welles before Kane. Film Quarterly (Spring 1970).

Befejezetlen filmek

Rodman, Howard A.: The last days of Orson Welles. American Film (June 1987).

Rosenbaum, Jonathan: The invisible Orson Welles. A first inventory. Sight and Sound (Summer 1986).

Rosenbaum, Jonathan: Wellesiana: Quixote in a Trashcan. Sight and Sound (Autumn 1988).

White, Armond: Wishing Welles. Film Comment (Oct. 1988).

Wiener, Thomas: Unfinished business. American Film (Sept. 1985).

It's All True

Benamou, Catherine: It' All True as document/event. Notes toward an historiographical and textual analysis. Persistence of Vision (1989) no. 7.

Bikácsy Gergely: Semmi sem igaz. Metropolis 4 (2000) no. 2. pp. 58-71.

Krohn, Bill: A la recherche du film fantôme. It's All True de Orson Welles. Cahiers du Cinéma (Sept. 1985) no. 375. pp. 25-33.

McCarthy, Todd: Welles film gem is found. Variety (1986.08.27.)

Stam, Robert: Orson Welles, Brazil and the power of blackness. Persistence of Vision (1989) no. 7.

Wilson, Richard: It's not quite all true. Sight and Sound (Autumn 1970).

Don Quixote

Cobos, Juan-Rubio, Miguel: Welles and Falstaff. Sight and Sound (Autmun 1966).

Stainton, Audrey: Don Quixote. Orson Welles' secret. Sight and Sound (Autmun 1988).

The Other Side of the Wind

Champlin, Charles: Film about film is Welles' project. Los Angeles Times (1974.05. 6.)

McBride, Jonathan: The other side of Orson Welles. American Film 1 (June-July 1976) no. 9. pp. 14-20.

Megvalósulatlan filmtervek

Heart of Darkness

Cohen, M.: The Heart of Darkness in Citizen Kane. Cinema Journal 22 (Fall 1972) no. 1. pp. 11-25.

Rosenbaum, Jonathan: Heart of Darkness. Film Comment (Nov-Dec. 1972).

Rosenbaum, Jonathan: The voice and the eye. Film Comment 8 (Nov-Dec. 1972) no. 4. pp. 24-32.



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