
Válogatott bibliográfia Stanley Kubrick filmjeihez

Átfogó könyvek


Baxter, John: Kubrick. A Biography. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1997.

Ciment, Michel: Kubrick. (trans. Gilbert Adair) London: Collins, 1983 (1980).

Ciment, Michel: Kubrick. The Definitive Edition. (trans. Gilbert Adair – Robert Bononno) London: Faber & Faber, 2001.

Coyle, Wallace: Stanley Kubrick. A Guide to References and Resources. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980.

De Vries, Daniel: The Films of Stanley Kubrick. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1973.

Falsetto, Mario (ed.): Perspectives on Stanley Kubrick. New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1996.

Falsetto, Mario: Stanley Kubrick. A Narrative and Stylistic Analysis. Westport: Praeger, 1994. [Magyarul ld. 2. fejezetét: Falsetto: Idő és tér (ford. Győri Zsolt). //Metropolis// 6 (2002) no. 2. pp. 30–37.]

Garcia Mainar, Luis M.: Narrative and stylistic patterns in the films of Stanley Kubrick. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 1999.

Jansen, Peter W. – Schütte, Wolfram (eds.): Stanley Kubrick. Berlin: Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek; München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1984.

Jenkins, Greg: Stanley Kubrick and the Art of Adaptation. Three Novels, Three Films. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1997.

Kagan, Norman: The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972.

Lobrutto, Vincent: Stanley Kubrick. A Biography. New York: D. I. Fine Books, 1997.

Monaco, James: The Films of Stanley Kubrick. New York: The New School Department of Film, 1974.

Nelson, Thomas Allen: Kubrick. Inside a Film Artist’s Maze. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1982.

Phillips, Gene D.: Stanley Kubrick. A Film Odyssey. New York: Popular Library, 1975.

Rasmussen, Randy: Stanley Kubrick. Seven Film Analyzed. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 2001.

Switzer, Judith Anne: Stanley Kubrick. The Filmmaker As Satirist. (Ph.D. diss.) New York: New York University, 1983.

Walker, Alexander: Stanley Kubrick Directs. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.

Walker, Alexander: Stanley Kubrick, Director. New York: Norton, c1999.


Átfogó tanulmányok


Anger, Cedric: Le dernier expressionniste. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999 April) no. 534. pp. 28–29.

Anger, Cedric: Kubrick, coté cuisine. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999) no. 539. pp. 7–8.

Bikácsy Gergely: Kubrick, avagy a pesszimizmus. Filmvilág 25 (1982) no. 5. pp. 63–64.

Bodoky Tamás: Jövőmátrix. Filmvilág 22 (2001) no. 1. pp. 6–11.

Calhoun, John: Darkness on the edge of town: profile on film director Stanley Kubrick. Interiors 158 (1999) no. 8. pp. 79–79.

Collins, Floyd: Implied Metaphor in the Films of Stanley Kubrick. New Orleans Review 16 (1989) no. 3. pp. 96–100.

Combs, Richard: Kubrick Talks! Film Comment 32 (1996) pp. 81–4.

Ciment, Michel: Entretiens avec Stanley Kubrick. Positif no. 186. (1972) pp. 22–33.

Csejdy András: Inába a bátorságot. Filmvilág 41 (1998) no. 8. pp. 19–21.

Csontos István: Kubrick van (azaz a Tágra Nyitott Fülek). Pergő képek 31 (2002) no. 1. pp. 41–44., no. 2. pp. 52–56.

Csontvári Júlia: Képek egy halott világból. Filmvilág 26 (1983) no. 5. pp. 30–35.

Erlich, Richard D.: From Shakespeare to Le Guin: authors as auteurs. Extrapolation (1999 Winter) no. 4.  pp. 341–350.

Fáber András: A popkrisztus pokoljárása. Filmvilág 31 (1988) no. 3. pp. 23–27.

Feldmann, Hans: Kubrick and His Discontents. Film Quarterly (1976 Autumn) no. 1. pp. 12–19.

Forgách András: Stanley, a látnok. Filmvilág 41 (1998) no. 8. pp. 8–15.

Forgách András: Kubrick karácsonya. Filmvilág 42 (1999) no. 11. pp. 45–47

Garcia Mainar, Luis Miguel: Kubrick’s Doctor Strangelove: Desire and the Fragmentation of Character. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (1994) pp. 67–82.

Gelmis, Joseph: The Film Director as Superstar. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970. pp. 293–315.

Győri Zsolt: A hatalom logikája és retorikája. Filmtett 20 (2002 április) no. 4. pp. 16–19.

Győri Zsolt: Filmodisszea: formák áttűnésben. A kubricki elbeszélő stílus a recepció tükrében. Metropolis 6 (2002) no. 2. pp. 8–28.

Győri Zsolt: Virtualitás 2001. Filmes virtuális valóságok. Filmtett 12 (2001 július) no. 6. pp. 15–19.

Hughes, Philip: The Alienated and Demonic in the Films of Stanley Kubrick. Cinemanalysis with a Freudian Technophobic Argument. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 3 (1982) nos. 1–2. pp. 12–27.

James, Nick: At home with the Kubricks. Sight and Sound 9 (1999) no. 9. pp. 12–19. 

Janisch Attila: A szellem színjátéka. Filmvilág 41 (1998) no. 8. pp. 16–18.

Jones, Kent: Un conteur métaphysique. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999) no. 534. pp. 25–27.

Kennedy, Harlan: Kubrick Goes Gothic. American Film vol. 5 no. 8. (1980) pp. 49–52.

Kohler, Charles: Stanley Kubrick Raps. Eye (1968 August) pp. 84–86.

Kubrick, Stanley: 2001. A Cold Descent. Sight and Sound 4 (1994 Jan.) no. 1. pp. 18–25.

Kubrick, Stanley: Aforizmák. (ford. Ádám Péter) Filmvilág 42 (1999) no. 7. pp. 50–51.

Kubrick, Stanley: Napóleon a fiókban. Kubrick filmtervei. (ford. Hideg János) Filmvilág 42 (1999) no. 11. pp. 40–41.

Kubrick, Stanley: Words and Movies. Sight and Sound (1960–61 Winter) p. 14.

Lobrutto, Vincent: Tágra Zárt Szemmel. (ford. Hideg János) Filmvilág 42 (1999) no. 6. pp. 46–51., no. 7. pp. 42–49., no. 8. pp. 46–53., no. 9. pp. 46–51., no. 10. pp. 40–46.

Mamber, Stephen: Parody, Intertextuality, Signature: Kubrick, DePalma, and Scorsese. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 12 (1990) nos. 1–2. pp. 29–36.

Meisenheimer, Donald K., Jr.: Machining the Man. From Neurasthenia to Psychasthenia in SF and the Genre Western. Science-Fiction Studies 24 (1997) no. 3. pp. 441–458.

Morrison, James: The old masters: Kubrick, Polanski, and the late style in modern cinema. Raritan (2001) no. 2. pp. 29–47.

Pollack, Sydney: Kubrick, l’homme qui savait tout. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999 Oct.) no. 539. p. 6.

Rapf, Maurice: A Talk with Stanley Kubrick. Action (1969 January–February) pp. 15–18.

Rother, Rainer: Das Kunstwerk als Konstrionsaufgabe. Merkur 43 (1989 May) no. 5. pp. 384–396.

Schubert Gusztáv: A prófécia éve. Filmvilág 44 (2001) no. 1. pp. 4–5.

Tillmann J. A.: A M.I. mutánsaink – Kubrick és az A.I. Filmvilág 44 (2001) no. 11. pp. 34–35.

Varró Attila: Kubrick Nagymester. A sakk szerepe Stanley Kubrick életművében. Metropolis 6 (2002) no. 2. pp. 38–50.



Átfogó interjúk


Cahill, Tim: The Rolling Stone Interview: Stanley Kubrick. In: Falsetto, Mario (ed.): Perspectives on Stanley Kubrick. New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1996. pp. 72–85.

Ciment, Michel: A Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining. In: Ciment, Michel (ed.): Kubrick. (trans. Gilbert Adair) London: Collins, 1983 (1980). pp. 149–197.

Elvetemült figurák. Beszélgetés Stanley Kubrickkal. (ford. Ádám Péter) Filmvilág 31 (1988) no. 3. p. 27.

Gelmis, Joseph: Interview with Stanley Kubrick. In: Falsetto, Mario (ed.): Perspectives on Stanley Kubrick. New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1996. pp. 26–47.

Norden, Eric: Interview with Stanley Kubrick. Playboy Magazine (1968 September) p. 85.

Phillips, Gene D.: Interview with Stanley Kubrick. Film Comment (1971–72 Winter) pp. 30–35.

Phillips, Gene D. (ed.): Stanley Kubrick. Interviews. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2001.

Strick, Philip – Houston, Penelope: Interview with Stanley Kubrick. Sight and Sound (1972 Spring) pp. 62–66.


Félelem és vágy (1953), A gyilkos csókja (1955), A gyilkosság (1956)


Darke, Chris – Tunney, Tom: The Kubrick Connection. Sight and  Sound 5 (1995) no. 11. pp. 22–25.

Lambert, Gavin: Killer’s Kiss. Sight and Sound (1956 Spring) p. 198.

Lambert, Gavin: The Killing. Sight and Sound (1956 Autumn) pp. 95–96.

Thomson, David: Follow the Money. Film Comment 31 (1995) no. 4. pp. 20–25.

Telotte, J. P.: Fatal Capers: Strategy and Enigma in Film Noir. Journal of Popular Film and Television 23 (1996) no. 4. pp. 163–170.


A dicsőség ösvényei (1957)


Bier, Jesse: Cobb and Kubrick: Author and Auteur. Paths of Glory as Novel and Film. Virginia Quarterly Review 61 (1985) no. 3. pp. 453–471.

Kelly, Andrew: The Brutality of Military Incompetence: Paths of Glory (1957). Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 13 (1993) no. 2. pp. 215–228.

Garcia Mainar, Luis Miguel: Focalisation and ‘Slant’ in Kubrick’s Path of Glory. XV Congreso de AEDEAN, Logrono, 1993. pp. 439–444.

Lambert, Gavin: Paths of Glory. Sight and Sound (1957–58 Winter) pp. 144–145.


Spartacus (1960)


Combs, Richard: Spartacus. Monthly Film Bulletin 51 (1984) no. 607. pp. 257–259.

Cooper, Duncan: Dalton Trumbo vs. Stanley Kubrick. Cineaste 18 (1991) no. 3. pp. 34–37.

Cooper, Duncan: Spartacus: An Exclusive Report. Cineaste 18 (1991) no. 3. pp. 18–34.

Davis, Natalie Zemon: Slaves on screen: film and historical vision. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000.

Hark, Ina Rae: Animals or Romans: Looking at Masculinity in Spartacus. In: Cohan, Steven – Hark, Ina Rae (eds.): Screening the Male. Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema. London: Routledge, 1993. pp. 151–172.

Sheehan, Henry: Roman Games. Sight and Sound 1 (1991) no. 4. pp. 22–26.

Thompson, Frank: Spartacus. A Spectacle Revisited. American Cinematographer 72 (1991) no. 5. pp. 35–40.


Lolita (1962)


Bick, Ilsa J. – Gabbard, K.: That Hurts!: Humor and Sadomasochism in Lolita. The Circulation of Sadomasochistic Desire in the Lolita Texts. Journal of Film and Video 46 (1994) no. 2. pp. 3–30.

Burns, Dan E.: Pistols and Cherry Pies. Lolita from Page to Screen. Literature/Film Quarterly 12 (1984) no. 4. pp. 245–250.

French, Brandon: The Celluloid Lolita. A Not-So-Crazy Quilt. In: Peary, Gerald – Shatzkin, Roger (eds.): The Modern American Novel and the Movies. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1978. pp. 59–67.

Gladilsikov, Jurij: Három a Lolita. (ford. Szilágyi Ákos) Filmvilág 41 (1998) no. 8. pp. 22–25.

Santas, Constantine: Lolita. From Nabokov’s Novel to Kubrick’s Film to Lyne’s. Senses of Cinema (

Schubert Gusztáv: Feslett Bimbók. Filmvilág 37 (1994) no. 12. pp. 42–46.


Dr. Strangelove (1964)


Baxter, P.: The One Woman. Wide Angle 6 (1984) no. 1. pp. 34–41.

George, Peter: Dr. Strangelove. New York: Bantam, 1963.

Harper, James W.: Images of Armageddon. Nuclear War in Three Mass Audience Films. In: Goebel, Ulrich – Nelson, Otto (eds.): War and Peace. Perspectives in the Nuclear Age. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1988. pp. 25–35.

Hoberman, J.: When Dr. No Met Dr. Strangelove. Sight and  Sound 3 (1993) no. 12. pp. 16–21.

Hughes, Philip: The Alienated and Demonic in the Films of Stanley Kubrick. Cinemanalysis with a Freudian Technophobic Argument. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 3 (1982) nos. 1–2.  pp. 12–27.

Lamm, R.: Can We Laugh at God? Apocalyptic Comedy in Film. Journal of Popular Film and Television 19 (1991) no. 2. pp. 81–90.

Macklin, Anthony: Sex and Dr. Strangelove. Film Comment (1965 Summer) pp. 55–57.

Maland, Charles: Dr. Strangelove. Nightmare Comedy and the Ideology of Liberal Consensus. American Quarterly 31 (1979) no. 5. pp. 697–717.

Milne, Tom: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Stanley Kubrick. Sight and Sound (1964 Winter) pp. 68–72.

Southern, Terry: Strangelove Outtake. Notes from the War Room. Grand Street 13 (1994 Summer) no. 1. p. 64.

Wolfe, Gary K.: Dr. Strangelove, Red Alert and Patterns of Paranoia in the 1950’s. Journal of Popular Film 5 (1976) no. 1. pp. 57–67.

Wyzynski, Adam: Tworczosc Stanleya Kubricka jako przyklad przeamywania w filmie konwencji gatunkowych [...]. Iluzjon (1991 Apr–June) no. 42. pp. 29–34.


2001 Űrodüsszeia (1968)


Agel, Jerome (ed.): The Making of Kubrick’s 2001. New York: New American Library, 1970.

Austen, David: 2001: A Space Odyssey. Films and Filming (1968 July) pp. 24–27.

Boyd, D.: Mode and Meaning in 2001. Journal of Popular Film and Television 6 (1978) no. 3. pp. 202–215.

Boylan, Jay H.: Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Lover Sings His Song. Journal of Popular Culture 18 (1985) no. 4. pp. 53–56.

Bizony, Piers: 2001 at 25. Omni 15 (1993) no. 7. pp. 42–48.

Brown, Peter G.: 2001: Reel to Real. Sciences 41 (2001) no. 1. p. 2.

Burgoyne, Robert: Narrative Overture and Closure in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Enclitic 5 (1981–82) no. 2. pp. 172–180.

Charlot, J.: From ape-man to space-baby. 2001, an interpretation. East-West Film Journal 1 (1986 Dec) no. 1. pp. 84–89.

Daniels, Don: A Skeleton Key to 2001. Sight and Sound (1970–71 Winter) pp. 28–33.

Dean, J. F.: Between 2001 and Star Wars. Journal of Popular Film and Television 7 (1978) no. 1. pp. 32–41.

De Bellis, Jack: The Awful Power. John Updike’s Use of Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey in Rabbit Redux. Literature/Film Quarterly 21 (1993) no. 3. pp. 209–217.

Dumont, J. P. – Monod, J.: Beyond the Infinite: A Structural Analysis of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Quarterly Review of Film Studies 3 (1978) no. 3. pp. 297–316. 

Freedman, Carl: Kubrick’s 2001 and the Possibility of a Science-Fiction Cinema. Science-Fiction Studies 25 (1998) no. 2. pp. 300–319.

Galbreath, Robert: Ambiguous Apocalypse. Transcendental Versions of the End. In: Rabkin, Eric S. – Greenberg, Martin H. (eds.): The End of the World. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. pp. 53–72.

Garfinkel, Simson: Boldog születésnapot, HAL! (ford. Varró Attila) Filmvilág 44 (2001) no. 1. pp. 12–15.

Geduld, Carolyn: Filmguide to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973.

Goimard, J.: 2001: l’odyssée de l’espace. (Special Issue). Avant-Scčne Cinéma (1979 July 1–15) no. 231. pp. 3–53.

Griffith, James John: Back Where We Started. 2001: A Space Odyssey In: Griffith, J. J.: Adaptations as Imitations. Films from Novels. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1997. pp. 192–226.

Hanson, Ellis: Technology, Paranoia and the Queer Voice. Screen 34 (1993) no. 2. pp. 137–161.

Helman, Alicja: Stanley Kubrick albo synteza rodzajów. Kino 9 (1974 Dec) no. 12. pp. 61–63.

Kael, Pauline: Going Steady. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970. pp. 149–151.

Kubrick, Stanley: 2001. A Cold Descent. Sight and Sound 4 (1994) no. 1. pp. 18–25.

Mckee, M.: 2001. Out of the Silent Planet. Sight and Sound (1969 Autumn) pp. 204–207.

Noland, Richard W.: Individuation in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 15 (1994) nos. 3–4. pp. 302–309.

Piskorz, Artur: Kubrick Jungiem podszyty. Iluzjon (1993) no. 50. pp. 36–48.

Scheurer, Timothy E.: Kubrick vs. North. The Score for 2001: A Space Odyssey. Journal of Popular Film and Television 25 (1998 Winter) no. 4. pp. 172–182.

Sofia, Zoe: Exterminating Foetuses. Abortion, Disarmament, and the Sexo-Semiotics of Extraterrestrialism. Diacritics 14 (1984) no. 2. pp. 47–59.

Spector, Judith A.: Science Fiction and the Sex War. A Womb of One’s Own. Literature and Psychology 31 (1981) no. 1. pp. 21–32.

Wheat, Leonard F.: Kubrick’s 2001. A Triple Allegory. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2000.


Mechanikus narancs (1971)


Boyers, Robert: A Clockwork Orange. Some Observations. Film Heritage (1972 Summer) pp. 1–6.

Burgess, Anthony: Émelyítő rémregények. (ford. Wisinger István) Filmvilág 34 (1991) no. 3. pp. 35–40.

Burgess, J.: A Clockwork Orange. Film Quarterly 25 (1972) no. 3. pp. 33–36.

Chapman, James: A Bit of the Old Ultra-Violence. A Clockwork Orange. In: Hunter, I. Q. (ed.): British science fiction cinema. London; New York: Routledge, 1999. pp. 128–137.

French, Philip: A Clockwork Orange. Sight and Sound 59 (1990) no. 2. pp. 84–88.

Gehrke, Pat J: Deviant Subjects in Foucault and A Clockwork Orange. Congruent Critiques of Criminological Constructions of Subjectivity. Critical Studies in Media Communication 18 (2001) no. 3. p. 270.

Gumenik, A.: A Clockwork Orange. Novel Into Film. Film Heritage (1972 Summer) pp. 7–18.

Jackson, Kevin: Real Horrorshow. Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange. Sight  and Sound 9 (1999) no. 9. pp. 24–28.

Jackson, Kevin: A valódi harasó, avagy a Nagycat kisszótára. (ford. Nemes Anna) Filmvilág 42 (1999) no. 11. pp. 42–44.

Lobrutto, Vincent: The old ultra-violence. American Cinematographer 80 (1999) no. 10. pp. 52–56.

Mamber, Stephen: Clockwork Orange. In: Falsetto, Mario (ed.): Perspectives on Stanley Kubrick.  New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1996. [Magyarul ld: Mamber: Mechanikus narancs (ford. Márton Zuszsa – Veres Ottilia). //Metropolis// 6 (2002) no. 2. pp. 70–81.]

Oudart, J.-P.: A propos d’Orange mécanique, Kubrick, Kramer et quelques autres. Cahiers du Cinéma (1978 Oct) no. 293. pp. 55–60.

Petley, Julian – Chabrol, Claude: Clockwork Crimes. Index on Censorship 24 (1995 Nov–Dec) no. 6. p. 48.

Sobchack, Vivian C.: Decor as Theme. A Clockwork Orange. Literature/ Film Quarterly 9 (1981) no. 2. pp. 92–102.

Sotiaux, D.: Fiche. Orange mécanique de Stanley Kubrick. Revue Belge du Cinéma (1977 Jan) pp. 1–16.

Strick, Philip: Kubrick’s Horrorshow. Sight and  Sound 41 (1971/72) no. 1. pp. 44–46.


Barry Lyndon (1975)


Cano, C. – Cremonini, Giorgio: Musica, immagine e racconto di Barry Lyndon. Cineforum 28 (1988 Dec) no. 12. pp. 51–58.

Cossa, Frank: Images of Perfection. Life Imitates Art in Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon. Eighteenth-Century Life 19 (1995) no. 2. pp. 79–82.

Dempsey, Michael: Barry Lyndon. Film Quarterly (1976 Autumn) pp. 49–54.

Engell, John: Barry Lyndon, a Picture of Irony. Eighteenth-Century Life 19 (1995) no. 2. pp. 83–88.

Hesling, Willem: Kubrick, Thackeray and the memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq. Literature/Film Quarterly (2001) no. 4. pp. 264–278 .

Houston, Penelope: Barry Lyndon. Sight and Sound (1976 Spring) pp. 77–80.

Johnson, Jeffrey L. L.: The Eighteenth-Century Ape. Barry Lyndon and the Darwinian Pessimism of Stanley Kubrick. Eighteenth-Century Life 19 (1995) no. 2. pp. 89–91.

Klein, Michael: Narrative and Discourse in Kubrick’s Modern Tragedy. In: Klein, Michael – Parker, Gillian (eds.): The English Novel and the Movies. New York: Ungar, 1981. pp. 95–107.

Knapp, Elise F.: Music in Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon. A Catalyst to Manipulate. Eighteenth-Century Life 19 (1995) no. 2. pp. 92–97.

Ross, Benjamin: Eternal Yearning. Sight and Sound 5 (1995 Oct.) no. 10. p. 42.

Stephenson, W.: The Perception of ‘History’ in Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon. Literature/Film Quarterly 9 (1981) no. 4. pp. 251–260.



Ragyogás (1980)


Bingham, Dennis: The displaced author. A Reception History of Shining. In: Falsetto, Mario (ed.): Perspectives on Stanley Kubrick. New York: G. K. Hall – London: Prentice Hall International, 1996. pp. 284–306. [Magyarul ld.: Bingham: a „trónfosztott” szerző. A Ragyogás recepciótörténete  (ford. Bak Árpád). //Metropolis// 6 (2002) no. 2. pp. 44–69.]

Brown, John: The Impossible Object. Reflections on The Shining. In: Orr, John – Nicholson, Colin (eds.): Cinema and Fiction. New Modes of Adapting, 1950–90. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1992. pp. 104–121.

Bunnell, Charlene: The Gothic: A Literary Genre’s Transition to Film. In: Grant, Barry K. (ed.): Planks of Reason. Essays on the Horror Film. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1984. pp. 79–100.

Caldwell, Larry W.: Come and Play With Us. The Play Metaphor in Kubrick’s Shining. Literature/ Film Quarterly 14 (1986) no. 2. pp. 106–111.

Cocks, Geoffrey: The Hinting. Holocaust Imagery In Kubrick’s The Shining. Psychohistory Review 16 (1987) no. 1. pp. 115–136.

Cook, D. A.: American horror. The shining. Literature/Film Quarterly 12 (1984) no. 1. pp. 2–4.

Helman, Alicja: Horror wedlug Kubricka i Kinga. Kino 27 (1993 Jan) no. 1. pp. 25–27.

Hoile, Christopher: The Uncanny and the Fairy Tale in Kubrick’s The Shining. Literature/Film Quarterly 12 (1984) no. 1. pp. 5–12.

Jameson, Richard T.: Kubrick’s Shining. Film Comment 16 (1980) no. 4. pp. 28–32.

Janisch Attila: Ki nyitotta ki az ajtót? Filmvilág 38 (1995) no. 5. pp. 28–33.

Keeler, Greg: The Shining. Ted Kramer Has a Nightmare. Journal of Popular Film and Television 8 (1981) no. 4. pp. 2–8.

Kennedy, Harlan: Kubrick Goes Gothic. American Film 5 (1980) no. 8. pp. 49–52.

Király Jenő: „Csak ami nincs, annak van bokra…” Filmkultúra 24 (1989) no. 4. pp. 4–19.

Kovács András Bálint: A „Szoft-horror”. Populáris mítosz Magyarországon. Filmvilág 32 (1989) no. 9. pp. 28–33.

Kubrick, l’homme du controle absolu. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999) no. 534. pp. 20–37.

Lightman, H. A. – Brown, Garrett: The Shining. American Cinematographer 61 (1980) no. 8. pp. 780–789.

Lightman, Herb: Photographing Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. An Interview with John Alcott. American Cinematographer 61 (1980 August) no. 8. p. 760.

Mamber, S.: Parody, Intertextuality, Signature. Kubrick, DePalma, and Scorsese. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 12 (1990) nos. 1–2. pp. 29–35.

Manchel, Frank: What About Jack? Another Perspective on Family Relationships in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Literature/Film Quarterly 23 (1995) no. 1. pp.  68–78.

Marinelli, M.: Shining e l’archetipo mutante. Cineforum 29 (1989 Jan–Feb) nos. 1–2. pp. 45–46.

Mayersberg, Paul: The Overlook Hotel. Sight and Sound (1980/81 Winter) pp. 54–57.

Metz, Walter: Toward a Post-structural Influence in Film Genre Studies: Intertextuality and The Shining. Film Criticism 22 (1997) no. 1. pp. 38–62.

Pearce, Howard D.: The Shining as Lichtung. Kubrick’s Film, Heidegger’s Clearing. In: Hokenson, Jan – Pearce, Howard (eds.): Forms of the Fantastic. Selected essays from the Third International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1986. pp. 49–57.

Rowe, K. K.: Class and Allegory in Jameson’s Film Criticism. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 12 (1991) no. 4. pp. 1–18. 

Saada, Nicolas: The Shining, une histoire de famille: entretiens avec Diane Johnson, scénariste. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999) no. 534. pp. 34–37.

Snyder, S.: Family Life and Leisure Culture in The Shining. Film Criticism 7 (1982) no. 1. pp. 4–13.

Titterington, P. L.: Kubrick and The Shining. Sight and Sound 50 (1981 Spring) no. 2. pp. 117–121.

Walters, C. T.: Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining: A Study in the Terror of Abstraction. Ball State University Forum 26 (1985) no. 3. pp. 21–38.


Acéllövedék (1987)


Anti Rambó Vietnámban. Filmvilág 30 (1987) no. 3. p. 61.

Castle, Robert – Donatelli, Stephen: Kubrick’s Ulterior War. Director Stanley Kubrick’s Movie Full Metal Jacket Tries to Capture Confusion of War. Film Comment 34 (1998) no. 5. pp. 24–28.

Doherty, Thomas: Full Metal Genre. Stanley Kubrick’s Vietnam Combat Movie. Film Quarterly 42 (1988) no. 2. pp. 23–25.

Gilliatt, Penelope: Heavy Metal. American Film 12 (1987 Sept) pp. 20–30.

Herr, Micheal: Tudósítások. Részletek a szerző Vietnam-könyvéből. (ford. Takács Ferenc) Filmvilág 33 (1990) no. 5. pp. 39–43.

Klein, Michael: Historical Memory, Film, and the Vietnam Era. In: Dittmar, Linda – Michaud, Gene (eds.): From Hanoi to Hollywood. The Vietnam War in American Film. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990. pp. 19–40.

Magid, Ron: Full Metal Jacket. Cynic’s Choice. American Cinematographer 68 (1987) pp. 74–84.

Moore, Janet C.: For Fighting and For Fun. Kubrick’s Complicitous Critique in Full Metal Jacket. The Velvet Light Trap 31 (1993) pp. 39–47.

Pursell, Michael: Full Metal Jacket. The Unravelling of Patriarchy. Literature/Film Quarterly 16 (1988) no. 4. pp. 218–225.

Rambuss, Richard: Machinehead. The Technology of Killing in Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. Camera Obscura 14 (1999) no. 42. p. 97.

Reaves, Gerry: From Hasford’s The Short Timers to Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. The Fracturing of Identification. Literature/Film Quarterly 16 (1988) no. 4. pp. 232–237.

Schweitzer, Rich: Born To Kill. S. Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket As Historical Representation Of America’s Experience In Vietnam. Film & History 20 (1990) no. 3. pp. 62–70.

Smith, Claude J., Jr.: Full Metal Jacket. The Beast Within. Literature/Film Quarterly 16 (1988) no. 4. pp. 226–231.

Stevenson, James A.: Beyond Stephen Crane. Full Metal Jacket. Literature/Film Quarterly 16 (1988) no. 4. pp. 238–243.

Vietnám és Napóleon. Filmvilág 31 (1988) no. 6. pp. 58–60.

Virilio, Paul: Full Metal Jacket. Cahiers du Cinéma (1987) no. 401. pp. 29–30.

White, Susan: Male Bonding, Hollywood Orientalism, and the Repression of the Feminine in Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. Arizona Quarterly 44 (1988) no. 3. pp. 120–144.

Willoquet-Maricondi, Paula: Full-Metal-Jacketing: Or, Masculinity in the Making. Cinema Journal 33 (1994) no. 2. pp. 5–21.


Tágra zárt szemek (1999)


Decter, Midge: The Kubrick Mystique. Commentary 108 (1999) no. 2. pp. 52–55.

Raphael, Frederic: Eyes Wide Open. A Memoir of Stanley Kubrick. New York: Ballantine Books, 1999.

Gross, Larry: Too Late the Hero. Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut. Sight and Sound 9 (1999 Sept) no. 9. pp. 20–24.

Jones, Kent: Eyes Wide Shut. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999) no. 538. pp. 36–39.

Kreider, Tim: Eyes Wide Shut. Film Quarterly (2000 Spring) p. 41.

Pizzello, Stephen: A Sword In a Bed. American Cinematographer 80 (1999) no. 10. pp. 28–34.

Preussner, Arnold W.: Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut as Shakespearean tragicomedy. Literature/Film Quarterly (2001) no. 4. pp. 290–296 . 

Saada, Nicolas – Toubiana, Serge: Eyes Wide Shut. Cahiers du Cinéma (1999) no. 538. pp. 30–35.

Taubin, Amy: Eyes Wide Shut. Film Comment 35 (1999) no. 5. pp. 24–26.

Whitehouse, Charles: Eyes Wide Shut. Sight and Sound 9 (1999) no. 9. p. 38.




/*/ A filmográfiát és a bibliográfiát Győri Zsolt állította össze, akinek ezúton köszönjük segítségét – a szerk.



Szerkesztőbizottság: Bíró Yvette / Gelencsér Gábor / Hirsch Tibor / Kovács András Bálint • Szerkesztik: Margitházi Beja / Vajdovich Györgyi / Varga Balázs / Vincze Teréz
Felelős szerkesztő: Vajdovich Györgyi Szerkesztőségi munkatárs: Jordán Helén A weboldal Magazin rovatát szerkeszti: Milojev-Ferkó Zsanett

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