Pszichoanalízis és filmelmélet – Válogatott bibliográfia

Folyóirat különszámok

Ça cinéma no. 15. (mai 1978), no. 16. (janvier 1979) Cinéma et psychanalyse I–II. Paris: Albatros.

CinémAction (1989) no. 50.

Communication (1975) no. 23.

Film Criticism 14 (1990) no. 3.

Iris (1990) no. 10. Christian Metz et la théorie du cinéma/Christian Metz and Film Theory

Persistence of Vision (1993) no. 3.

Psychanalyse et cinéma (1970) no. 1.

Könyvek, tanulmányok

Altman, Ch. F.: Psychoanalysis and Cinema. The Imaginary Discourse. Quarterly Review of Film Studies 11 no. 3. pp. 517–531. vagy: In: Nichols, B. (ed.): Movies and Methods II. pp. 517–531.

Armes, Roy: The Ambiguous Image. On Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1976.

Augst, Bertrand: The Lure of Psychoanalysis in Film Theory. In: Hak Kyung Cha (ed.): Apparatus. pp. 415–437.

Aumont, Jacques–Marie, Michel: Psychanalyse et analyse du film. In: Aumont–Marie: L’analyse des films. Paris: Nathan, 1988. Ch. 6. pp. 162–179.

Barthes, Roland: L’effet du réel. Communications no. 11. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes–Ed. du Seuil, 1968. pp. 84–89.

Baudry, Jean-Louis: Author and Analysable Subject. In: Kyung Cha Hak (ed.): Apparatus. pp. 67–84.

Baudry, Jean-Louis: Effets idéologiques de l’appareil de base. Cinéthique nos. 7–8. Angolul: Ideological Effects of the Basic Cinematographic Apparatus (trans. Alan Williams). Film Quaterly 28 (Winter 1974–75) no. 2. pp. 39–47. vagy: In: Rosen (ed.): Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology. vagy: In: Nichols (ed.): Movies and Methods II. pp. 531–543.

Baudry, Jean-Louis: Le dispositif. Approches métapsychologiques de l’impression de réalité. Communication no. 23. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes–Ed. du Seuil, 1975. pp. 56–71. Angolul: The Apparatus. Metaphysical Approches to the Impression of Reality in Cinema (trans. Jean Andrews, Bertrand Augst). Camera Obscura (Fall 1976) no. 1. pp. 104–126., vagy: In: Kyung Cha Hak (ed.): Apparatus. pp. 41–66. vagy In: Rosen (ed.): Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology. Magyarul: Baudry: Az apparátus. A valóság érzetének metapszichológiai megközelítése (ford. Morvay Zsuzsa). Metropolis 3 (1999) no. 2. pp. 10–23.

Baudry, Jean-Louis: L’effet-Cinéma. Paris: Albatros, 1978.

Bellour, Raymond: Le blocage symbolique. Communication no. 23. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes–Ed. du Seuil, 1975. pp. 235–350.

Bellour, Raymond: The Unattainable Text. Screen 16 (1975) no. 3. pp. 19–27.

Bergala, Alain–Aumont, Jacques–Marie, Michel: Le film et son spectateur. In: Aumont, J.–Marie M.–Bergala, A.–Vernet M.: Esthétique du film. Paris: Nathan, 1983. Ch. 5. pp. 159–203.

Bergstrom, Janet: Alternation, Segmentation, Hypnosis. Interview with Raymond Bellour. Camera Obscura (Summer 1979) nos. 3–4. pp. 71–103.

Bonitzer, Pascal: Le champ aveugle. Paris: Gallimard, 1982.

Bonitzer, Pascal: Le regard et la voix. Paris: Ed. 10/18, 1976.

Brennan, Teresa–Jay, Martin: Vision in Context. London: Routledge, 1996.

Brewster, B.–Heath, S.–MacCabe, C.: Critical Dialogue. Psychoanalysis and Film: an Exchange. Screen 16 (Summer 1975) no. 3.

Burnett, Ronald F.: Cultures of Vision. Images, Media and the Imaginary. Bloomington: Indiana Uniersity Press, 1995.

Buscomb, E.–Gledhill C.–Cowell A.–Williams, C.: Statement: Psychoanalysis and Film. Screen 16 (1975) no. 4. pp. 119–130.

Casetti, Francesco: Dentro lo sguardo. Il film e il suo spettatore. Milan: Bompiani, 1986.

Comolli, Jean-Louis: Machines of the Visible. In: de Lauretis–Heath (eds.): The Cinematic Apparatus.

Comolli, Jean-Louis: Technique and Ideology. Camera, Perspective, Depth of Field. In: Nichols (ed.): Movies and Methods II.

Copjec, Joan: The Orthopsychic Subject. Film Theory and the Reception of Lacan. October (1989) no. 49. pp. 53–72.

Cowie, Elisabeth: Representing the Woman. Cinema and Psychoanalysis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.

Crary, Jonathan: Techniques of the Observer. On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1990.

Creed, Barbara: Monstruous Femine. Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge, 1993.

de Lauretis, Teresa: Alice Doesn’t. Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984.

de Lauretis, Teresa–Heath, Stephen (eds.): The Cinematic Apparatus. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1980.

de Lauretis, Teresa: The Stubborn Drive. Critical Inquiry 24 (Summer 1998) no. 4. pp. 851–877. Magyarul: de Lauretis: A konok késztetés (ford. Ragó Anett) Metropolis 3 (1999) no. 2. pp. 34–52.

Deprun, Jean: Cinéma et transfert. Revue internationale de filmologie (septembre–octobre 1947) no. 2.

Deprun, Jean: Le cinéma et l’identification. Revue internationale de filmologie (juillet–aoűt 1947) no. 1.

Dervin, Daniel: Through a Freudian Lens Deeply. A Psychoanalysis of Cinema. London: Routledge, 1984.

Doane, Mary Ann: Femmes Fatales. Feminism, Film Theory, Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge, 1991.

Doane, Mary Ann: Misrecognition and Identity. Ciné-Tracts 3 (Fall 1980) no. 3. pp. 25–32.

Doane, Mary Ann: The Voice in the Cinema. The Articulation of Body and Space. In: Nichols (ed.): Movies and Methods II. pp. 565–576.

Dolan, Jill: Presence and Desire. Michigan: Michigan University Press, 1994.

Gardies, André: L’Espace au cinéma. Paris: Klincksieck, 1993.

Gledhill, Christine: Stardom. Industry of Desire. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Hak Kyung Cha, Teresa (ed.): Apparatus. New York: Tanam Press, 1980.

Hamilton, R. S.: Between the First and Second Semiologies. Psychoanalysis and Film Theory. Camera Obscura (Spring 1981) no. 7. pp. 66–87.

Heath, Stephen: Anato Mo. Screen 17 (1976–77) no. 4. pp. 49–66.

Heath, Stephen: Film and System, Terms of an Analysis, Part I. Screen 16 (1975) no. 1. pp. 7–77.

Heath, Stephen: Notes on Suture. Screen 18 (1977–78) no. 4. pp. 48–76.

Heath, Stephen: On Suture. In: Heath: Questions of Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981. pp. 76–112.

Heath, Stephen: The Turn of the Subject. In: Burnett: Cultures of Vision. Images, Media and the Imaginary. pp. 26–45.

Helman, A: Nawiedzenie przez obrar. Refleksje teoretynne. Kino 11 (July 1979) no. 7. p. 34.

Hietala, Veijo: Situating the Subject in Film Theory. Meaning and Spectatorship in Cinema. Turku: Turun yliopisto, 1990.

Hoberman, J.: Freudian Clips. American Film 6 (Nov. 1980) no. 2. pp. 66–68.

Hüser, Rembert: Crossing the Threshold. Interview with Kaja Silverman. Discourse 19 (Spring 1997) no. 3. pp. 3–20.

Iskin, Ruth E.: In the light of Images and the Shadow of Technology. Lacan, Photography and Subjectivity. Discourse 19 (Spring 1997) no. 3. pp. 43–66.

Kaplan, Ann (ed.): Psychoanalysis and Cinema. London: Routledge, 1990.

Kermabon, Jacques: La machine ŕ l’hypnose. Entretien avec Raymond Bellour. In: Kermabon, Jacques (ed.): Cinémaction no. 47. Les théories du cinéma d’aujourd’hui. Paris: Ed. Cerf–Corlet, 1988. pp. 67–72.

Kittler, Friedrich A.: Romantik – Psychoanalyse – Film: Eine Doppelgängergeschichte. In: Hörisch, Jochen–Tholen, Georg Christoph (ed.): Eingebildete Texte. Affairen zwischen Psychoanalyse und Literaturwissenschaft. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1985. pp. 118–135.

Kleinhaus, C.: A ventriloquist psychoanalysis. Jump Cut (Oct.–Dec. 1975) no. 9. pp. 30–32.

Kötz, Michael: Der Traum, die Sehnsucht und das Kino. Film und die Wirklichkeit des Imaginären. Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat, 1986.

Krauss, Rosalind: The Optical Unconscious. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993.

Kuntzel, Thierry: Le travail du film. Communications 19 Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes–Ed. du Seuil, 1972. pp. 25–39.

Lebeau, Vicky: Lost Angels. Psychoanalysis and Cinema. London: Routledge, 1995.

Lebel, Jean-Patrick: Cinéma et ideologie. Paris: Ed. Sociales, 1971.

Lehman, Peter (ed.): Defining Cinema. London: Athlone Press, 1997.

Lehman, Peter: Safeguarding the Real Advances. Psychoanalysis and the History of Film Theory. Post Script 14 (1995) nos. 1–2. pp. 14–21.

Livingston, Paisley: Film and the New Psychology. Poetics no. 21 (1992) pp. 93–116.

Lyon, E.: Discourse and Difference. Camera Obscura (Summer 1979) pp. 14–20.

MacCabe, Colin: Theory and Film. Principles of Realism and Pleasure. Screen 17 (Autumn 1976) no. 3.

Magny, Joël: Raymond Bellour: sémiologie, analyse de films, psychanalyse et puis? In: Magny, Joël (ed.): Cinémaction no. 60. Histoire des théories du cinéma. Paris: Ed. Corlet–Télérama, 1991. pp. 160–169.

Mannoni, Octave: Clefs pour l’imaginaire. Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 1969.

Margolis, Harriet E.: The Cinema Ideal. An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Studies of Film Spectator. New York: Garland, 1988.

Mayne, Judith: Cinema and Spectatorship. London: Routledge, 1993.

Metz, Christian: A propos de l’impression de la réalité. In: Metz: Essais sur la signification au cinéma I. Paris: Klicksieck, 1968.

Metz, Christian: Histoire/Discours. Notes sur deux voyeurismes. In: Langue, Discours, Société. Pour Émile Benveniste (Hommage collectif). Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 1975. pp. 301–306.; vagy: In: Metz: Le signifiant imaginaire. Psychanalyse et cinéma. pp. 111–120. Angolul: Metz: Story/Discourse. Notes on Two Kinds of Voyeurism. In: Nichols (ed.): Movies and Methods II. pp. 543–549.

Metz, Christian: Le film de fiction et son spectateur. Étude métapsychologique. Communication no. 23. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes–Ed. du Seuil, 1975. pp. 3–55.; vagy In: Metz: Le signifiant imaginaire. pp. 121–175.

Metz, Christian: Le signifiant imaginaire. Paris: Christian Bourgois Editeur, 1993. [Első, rövidebb változata: Union Générale d’Editions, 1977.] vagy In: Metz: Le signifiant imaginaire. Psychanalyse et cinéma. pp. 7–109. Angolul: The Imaginary Signifier. Psychoanalysis and Cinema. (trans. Celia Britton, Annwyl Williams, Ben Brewster, Alfred Guzetti). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. Magyarul: Metz: A képzeletbeli jelentő. (ford. Józsa Péter) Filmtudományi Szemle (1981) no. 2. pp. 5–103.

Metz, Christian: Métaphore/Métonymie, ou le référant imaginaire. In: Metz: Le signifiant imaginaire. pp. 177–371. Magyarul: Metz: Metafora/ Metonímia, avagy a képzeletbeli referens. (ford. Józsa Péter) Filmspirál 2 (1996) no. 4. pp. 1–55., no. 5. pp. 1–42., Filmspirál 3 (1997) no. 1. pp. 1–26.

Metz, Christian: Szeminárium. Filmspirál 1 (1995) no. 1. Christian Metz: Budapesti előadások. pp. 4–119.

Metz, Christian: Szubjektív beállítás, szubjektív hang. A "nézőpont" kérdése. Filmkultúra (1991) no. 1. pp. 4–15.

Miller, Jacques-Alain: Suture. Elements of the logic of the signifier. Screen 18 (1977–78) no. 4. pp. 29–34.

Morin, Edgar: Le cinéma ou l’homme imaginaire. Paris: Ed. du Minuit, 1956. Magyarul: Morin: Az ember és a mozi (ford. Berkes Ildikó). Budapest: MFTI–FA 1976.

Mueller, Roswitha: Valie Export/Fragments of the Imagination. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.

Mulvey, Laura: Visual and Other Pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.

Mulvey, Laura: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Screen 16 (Autumn 1975) no. 3.

Murray, Timothy: Like a Film. Ideological Fantasy on Screen, Camera, and Canvas. London: Routledge, 1993.

Nichols, B. (ed.): Movies and Methods I.–II. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.

Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey: A Note on Story/Discourse. In: Nichols (ed.): Movies and Methods II. pp. 549–557.

Odin, Roger: Cinéma et production de sens. Paris: Armand Colin, 1990.

Oudart, Jean-Pierre: L’effet de réel. Cahiers du cinéma (1971) no. 228.

Oudart, Jean-Pierre: La Suture. Cahiers du cinéma (April 1969) no. 211. pp. 36–39; és Cahiers du cinéma (May 1969) no. 212. pp. 50–55. Angolul: Oudart: Notes on Suture. Screen 18 (1977–78) no. 4. pp. 35–47.

Penley, Constance: Introduction to Metaphore/ Metonymy, or the Imaginary Referent. Camera Obscura (Spring 1981) no. 7. pp. 6–29.

Penley, Constance: The Avant-Garde and Its Imaginary Movies. In: Nichols(ed.): Movies and Methods II. pp. 576–602.

Penley, Constance: The Future of an Illusion. Film, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge, 1989.

Rodowick, David N.: Reading the Figural. Camera Obscura (Sept. 1990) no. 24. pp. 11–44.

Rodowick, David N.: The Difficulty of Difference. Wide Angle 5 (1982) pp. 4–15.

Rodowick, David: The Difficulty of Difference. Psychoanalysis, Sexual Difference and Film. London: Routledge, 1991.

Rose, Jacqueline: Paranoia and the Film System. Screen 17 (Winter 1976–77) no 4. pp. 85–104.

Rose, Jacqueline: Sexuality in the Field of Vision. New York: Verso, 1986.

Rosen, Philip (ed.): Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.

Rosolato, Guy: Essais sur le symbolique. Paris: Gallimard, 1969.

Rothman, William: Against the System of the Suture. Film Quarterly 29 (1995) no. 1. pp. 45–50. vagy: In: Nichols, B. (ed.): Movies and Methods I. pp. 451–459.

Schéfer, Jean-Louis: L’homme ordinaire du cinéma. Paris: Gallimard, 1980.

Shaviro, Stephen: The Cinematic Body. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 1994.

Silverman, Kaja: Fassbinder and Lacan. Camera Obscura (1989) no. 19. pp. 54–85.

Silverman, Kaja: Male Subjectivity at the Margins. New York, London: Routledge, 1992.

Silverman, Kaja: Suture. In: Silverman: The Subject of Semiotics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. Chapter 5.

Silverman, Kaja: The Acoustic Mirror. Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.

Silverman, Kaja: The Subject of Semiotics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Silverman, Kaja: The Treshold of the Visible World. New York, London: Routledge, 1996. A "Gaze" című fejezet magyarul: A tekintet. (ford. Szemző Hanna) Metropolis 3 (1999) no. 2. pp. 24–33.

Smith, J. H.–Kerrigan, W. (eds.): Images in our Souls. Cavell, Psychoanalysis and Cinema. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1987.

Snyder, Stephen: The Transparent I. Self/Subject in European Cinema. New York: Peter Lang, 1974.

Studlar, Gaylyn: In the Realm of Pleasure. University of Illinois Press, 1988.

Studlar, Gaylyn: Masochism and the Perverse Pleasures of Cinema. Quaterly Reveiew of Film Studies 9 (1984) no. 3. pp. 267–282.

Telotte, J. P.: The Doubles of Fantasy and the Space of Desire. In: Kuhn, Annette (ed.): Alien Zone. Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema. London: Verso, 1990.

Vernet, Marc: Figures de l’absence 2. Iris 3 (1985) no. 5. pp. 47–55.

Vernet, Marc: Freud: effets spéciaux. Mise en scčne: USA. Communication (1975) no. 23. pp. 223–234.

Vernet, Marc: Le personnage de film. Iris 4 (1986) no. 7.

Vernet, Marc: Le regard ŕ la cinéma. Figure de l’absence. Iris 1 (1983) no. 2. pp. 31–45.

Walsh, M.: Returns the Real. Lacan and the Future of Psychoanalysis in Film Studies. Post Script 14 (1995) nos. 1–2. pp. 22–32.

Willemen, Paul: Looks and Frictions. Essays in Cultural Studies and Film Theory. London: British Film Institute, 1994.

Williams, Linda: Film Body. An Implantation of Perversions. Ciné-Tracts Winter 1981 pp. 19–35.

Worth, F. A.: Psychoanalytic Approaches to Film. Quaterly Review of Film Studies 7 (Winter 1982) no. 1. pp. 105–106.

Zizek, Slavoj: Enjoy your symptom. Lacan in Hollywood and Out. London: Routledge, 1993.

Zizek, Slavoj: Everything You Always Wanted to Ask about Lacan. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1922.

Zizek, Slavoj: Looking Awry. An Introduction to Jacques Lacan Through Popular Culture. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 1991.

Zizek, Slavoj: The Sublime Object of Ideology. London: Verso, 1989.


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