
Műfajelmélet – Válogatott bibliográfia

Az irodalomjegyzékbe csak az általános műfajelméleti írásokat válogattuk be, az egyes műfajokkal foglalkozó cikkek, könyvek tanulmányok nem szerepelnek benne [–a szerk.]

Folyóirat különszámok


Iris no. 20.

CinémAction (1993) no. 68.

Persistence of Vision (1986) nos. 3–4.

Journal of Popular Film & Television 13 (1985) no. 2.

Journal of Popular Film & Television 13 (1985) no. 3.

Journal of Popular Film & Television 13 (1985) no. 4.

Film Comment 18 (1982) no. 2. pp. 33–47.

Literature/Film Quarterly 10 (1982) no. 3.


Könyvek, tanulmányok


Alloway, Lawrence: The Iconography of the Movies. Movie (1963) no. 7. pp. 4–6.

Altman, Charles F.: Towards a Theory of Genre Film. In: Lawton, Ben–Staiger, Janet (eds.): Film: Historical-Theoretical Speculations. II. Pleasantville, NY.: Redgrave, 1977. pp. 31–43.

Altman, Rick: A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre. Cinema Journal 23 (1984) no. 3. pp. 6–18.

Beauchamp, M.: T’as d’beaux genres, tu sais... 24 images (1990) no. 47. pp. 27–28.

Bennett, Tony–Boyd-Bowman, Susan–Mercer, Colin–Woolacot, Janet (eds.): Popular Television and Film: A Reader. London: BFI, 1981.

Berry, Chris–Spigel, Lynn: The SCS in Pittsburgh. On Film (1984) no. 12. pp. 42–44.

Bourget, Jean-Loup: Social Implications in the Hollywood Genres. Journal of Modern Literature 3 (1973) no. 2. pp. 191–200.

Braudy, Leo: Film Genre: A dialogue – The thirties, the forties. Post Script 1 (1982) no. 3. pp. 27–29.

Brophy, Philip (ed.): Stuffing, Film: Genre. Northcote: Stuff Publication, 1987.

Browne, Nick (ed.): Refiguring American Film Genres: Theory and History. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.

Buscombe, Edward: The Idea of Genre in the American Cinema. Screen 11 (1970) no. 2. pp. 33–45.

Carroll, Noël: The Paradox of Junk Fiction. Philosophy and Literature 18 (1994) no. 2. pp. 225–241.

Casetti, Francesco: Les genres cinématographiques: quelques problèmes de méthode. Ça cinéma (1979) no. 18.

Cawelti, John G.: The Question of Popular Genres. Journal of Popular Film & Television 13 (1985) no. 2. pp. 55–61.

Cawelti, John G.: The Concept of Formula in the Study of Popular Culture. Journal of Popular Culture 3 (1969) no. 3. pp. 381–390.

Cohen, Ralph: Do Postmodern Genres Exist? Genre 20 (1987) nos. 3–4. pp. 241–257.

Collins, Jim: Genericity in the Nineties: Eclectic Irony and the New Sincerity. In: Collins, Jim–Radner, Hilary–Preacher Collins, Ava: Film Theory Goes to the Movies. New York – London: Routledge, 1993. pp. 242–263.

Collins, Jim: When the Legend Becomes Hyperconscious, Print the… In: Collins, Jim: Architectures of Excess. New York–London: Routledge, 1995. pp. 125–156.

Collins, Richard: Genre: A Reply to Ed Buscombe. Screen 11 (1970) nos. 4–5. pp. 66–75.

Corner, John: Meaning, Genre, and Context: The Problematics of “Public Knowledge” in the New Audience Studies. In: Curran, James–Gurewitch, Michael (eds.): Mass Media and Society. London: Edward Arnold, 1995.

Cunningham, Stuart: Hollywood Genres, Australian Movies. In: Moran, Albert–O’Regan, Tom (eds.): An Australian Film Reader. Sydney: Curreny Press, 1985. pp. 235–241.

De Cordova Rivhard: Genre and Performance: An overview. In: Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Film Genre Reader. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986. pp. 129–139.

Deinstfrey, Harris: Hitch Your Genre to a Star. Film Culture (1964) no. 34. pp. 35–37.

Dolmark, J.: Belezke k zsanru. Ekran 18 (1981) nos. 4–5. pp. 23–26.

Durgnat, Raymond: Up Jumped the Devil, or, The Jack-in-Pandora’s Box: Can The Witches of Eastwick De-spook Genre Theory? Monthly Film Bulletin 54 (1987) no. 644. pp. 265–268.

Durgnat, Raymond: Genre: Populism and Social Realism. Film Comment 11 (1975) no. 4. pp. 20–29.

Dvorák, J.: Filmy v radach. Film a Doba 29 (1983) no. 1. pp. 31–34.

Easthope, Antony: Notes on Genre. Screen Education (1979) nos. 32–33. pp. 39–44.

Eberwein, Robert T.: Genre and the Writerly Text. Journal of Popular Film and Television 13 (1985) no. 2. pp. 62–68.

Feuer, Jane: Genre Study and Television. In: Allen, Robert C. (ed.): Channels of Discourse, Reassembled: Television and Contemporary Criticism. London: Routledge, 1992. pp. 138–159.

Gledhill, Christine: Genre. In: Cook, Pam (ed.): The Cinema Book. London: BFI, 1985. pp. 58–64.

Grant, Barry K. (ed.): Film Genre: Theory and Criticism. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1977.

Grant, Barry K.: Impressionism and Ideology: The State of Recent Film Genre Criticism. Canadian Review of American Studies 14 (1983) no. 1. pp. 107–118.

Grant, Barry K.: Film Genre: An Updated Bibliography. Literature/Film Quarterly 10 (1982) no. 3. pp. 188–199.

Grant, Barry K.: Tradition and the Individual Talent: Poetry in the Genre Film. In: Conger, Syndy M.– Welsch, Janice R.: Narrative Strategies: Original Essays in Film and Prose Fiction. Macomb IL.: Western Illinois University Press, 1981. pp. 93–103.

Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Film Genre Reader. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986.

Grant, Barry Keith: Experience and Meaning in Genre Films. In: Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Film Genre Reader. Austin: Texas University Press, 1986. pp. 114–128.

Grodal, Torben: Moving Pictures. A New Theory of Film Genres, Feelings and Cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Harris, K. M.: American Film Genres and Non-American Films: A Case Study of Utu. Cinema Journal 29 (1990) no. 2. pp. 36–59.

Hess Wright, Judith: Genre Films and the Status Quo. Jump Cut (1974) no. 1. pp. 1., 16., 18.

Hess, John: History, Politics, Style, and Genre. Jump Cut (1988) no. 33. pp. 30–37.

Hietala, Veijo: Mahdoton avioliitto? Genreteorija ja snomalaien elokuves. Filmihullu (1989) no. 3. pp. 4–9.

Hodsdon, Barrett: Genre: A Review. Cinema Papers (1974) Dec pp. 338–341.

Hutchings, Peter: Genre Theory and Criticism. In: Hollows, Joanne–Jancovich, Mark (eds.): Approaches to Popular Film. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995.

Jenkins, H.: The Amazing Push-Me/Pull-You… Wide Angle 8 (1986) nos. 3–4. pp. 35–44.

Joskevics, J.: Za szociologijata na zsanrovete. Kinoizkusztvo 28 (1973) no. 12. pp. 49–57.

Kaminsky, Stuart M.–Mahan, J. H.: American Television Genres. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1985.

Kaminsky, Stuart: American Film Genres: Approaches to a Critical Theory of Popular Film. Dayton OH.: Pflaum–Standard, 1974.

Király Jenõ: Mágikus mozi. Műfajok, mítoszok, archetípusok a filmkultúrában. Budapest: Korona, 1998.

Klinger, Barbara: ‘Cinema/Ideology/Criticism’ – The Progressive Text. Screen 25 (1984) no. 1. pp. 30–44.

Klinger, Barbara: ‘Cinema/Ideology/Criticism’ Revisited: The progressive genre. In: Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Film Genre Reader. Austin: Texas University Press, 1986. pp. 74–90.

Knee, A.: Liquid Sky, Repo Man and Genre. Wide Angle 8 (1986) nos. 3–4. pp. 101–113.

Kolbenschlag, M. C.: Resources: Film And the American Experience. Jump Cut (1975) no. 6. pp. 16–21.

Kolker, Robert P.: Film Genre: A dialogue – the eighties. Post Script 1 (1982) no. 3. pp. 30–32.

Kozlov, Leonyid: O zsanrovüh obscsnosztjah i oszobennosztyah. Iszkussztvo kino (1978) no. 11. pp. 120–135.

Landrum, Larry N.: Recent Work in Genre. Journal of Popular Film and Television 13 (1985) no. 3. pp. 151–158.

Lavoie, André: En genre et un nombre. Ciné-Bullets 13 (1994) no. 1. pp. 57–58.

Lehmann, P.–Mitchell, E.–Hoekzema, L.: American Film Genre: An Interview with John Cawelti. Wide Angle 2 (1978) no. 2. pp. 50–57.

Lohmann, H.: Die Erscliessung der Filmspezifik durch filmisches Erzählen und durch Genrewertung. Filmwissenschaftliche Beiträge (1972) no. 2. pp. 112–135.

Longhurst, Derek (ed.): Gender, Genre, and Narrative Pleasure. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

Lukow, Gregory–Ricci, Steven: The ‘Audience’ Goes ‘Public’: Intertextuality, Genre, and the Responsibilities of Film Literacy. On Film (1984) no. 12. pp. 28–36.

Marabello, C.: Le lecrine e la forme. Segnocinema 7 (1987) no. 30. pp. 38–42.

Mayer, Geoff: Formula and Genre, Myths and Patterns. Australian Journal of Screen Theory (1978) no. 4. pp. 59–65.

Michalek, Boleslaw: O pewnym porozumieniu. Kino 13 (1978) no. 7. pp. 58–59.

Neale, Stephen: Questions of Genre. Screen 31 (1990) no. 1. pp. 66–89.

Neale, Stephen: Genre. London: British Film Institute, 1980.

Pavlovský, Petr: Zanr v umeni z hlediska taxonomie. Film a Doba 33 (1987) no. 11. pp. 639–641.

Petlewski, Paul: Coplication of Narrative in the Genre Film. Film Criticism 4 (1979) no. 1. pp. 18–24.

Pjotorovszkij, A.: K teoriji filmszkih zvrszti. Ekran 16 (1979) nos. 9–10. pp. 41–47.

Plazewsky, Jerzy: Czy “Nowa Przygoda” zdobedzie monopol na kino swiatowe? Kino 26 (1990) no. 1. pp. 1–8., 21–32.

Poague, Leland A.: The Problem of Film Genre: A Mentalistic Approach. Literature/Film Quarterly 6 (1978) no. 2. pp. 152–161.

Pye, Douglas: Genre and Movies. Movie (1975) no. 20. pp. 29–43.

Réz András: A beépülés modelljei: Adalékok a műfaji film elméletéhez. In: Király Jenõ (szerk.): Film és szórakozás. Budapest: MOKÉP–Magyar Filmintézet és Filmarchívum, 1981. pp. 111–145.

Ryall, Tom: The Notion of Genre. Screen 11 (1970) no. 2. pp. 22–32.

Ryall, Tom: Genre and Hollywood. In: Hill, John–Church Gibson, Pamela (eds.): The Oxford Guide to Film Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. pp. 327–338.

Schatz, Thomas: The Structural Influence: New directions in film genre study. Quarterly Review of Film Studies 2 (1977) no. 3. pp. 302–312.

Schatz, Thomas: New Directions in Film Genre Study: A reply to Charles F. Altman. In: Lawton, Ben–Staiger, Janet (eds.): Film: Historical-Theoretical Speculations. II. Pleasantville, NY.: Redgrave, 1977. pp. 44–52.

Schatz, Thomas: Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking, and the Studio System. New York: Random House, 1981.

Schiff, S.: The Repeatable Experience. Film Comment 18 (1982) no. 2. pp. 34–36.

Schlepern, Peter: Om genrebegrebet. Kosmorama 22 (1976) no. 131. pp. 301–305.

Schmidt, Kaare: Mere om genrebegrebet. Kosmorama 24 (1978) no. 138. pp. 135–138.

Serceau, Michel: Les genres au cinéma et à la télé: séries, feuilletions, polars, dramatiques. CinémAction (1987) no. 44. pp. 80–85.

Small, E. S.: Literary and Film Genres: Toward a Taxonomy of Film. Literature/Film Quarterly 7 (1979) no. 4. pp. 290–299.

Sobchack, Thomas: Genre Film: A Classical Experience. Literature/Film Quarterly 3 (1975) no. 3. pp. 196–204.

Sobchack, Vivian: Genre Film: Myth, Ritual, and Sociodrama. In: Thomas, Sari (ed.): Film/Culture: Explorations od Cinema in Its Social Context. Metuchen NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1982. pp. 147–165.

Solomon, Stanley J.: Film Study and Genre Courses. College Composition and Communication 25 (1974) Oct pp. 277–283.

Solomon, Stanley J.: Beyond Formula: American Film Genres. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.

Thrum, B.: Der Mensch und sein weites Feld. Film und Fernsehen 9 (1981) no. 6. pp. 6–7.

Tudor, Andrew: Genre: Theory and Malpractice in Film Criticism. Screen 11 (1970) no. 6. pp. 33–43.

Vernet, Marc: Genre. Film Reader 3 (1978) no. 3. pp. 13–17.

Williams, Alan: Is a Radical Genre Criticism Possible? Quarterly Review of Film Studies 9 (1984) no. 2. pp. 121–125.

Williams, Linda: Film Bodies: Gender, Genre and Excess. Film Quarterly 44 (1991) no. 4. pp. 2–13.

Wood, Robin: Ideology, Genre, Auteur. Film Comment 13 (1977) no. 1. pp. 46–51.

Yacowar, Maurice: Recent Popular Genre Movies: Awash and Aware. Journal of Popular Film 4 (1975) no. 4. pp. 297–305.

Zaoral, Zdenek: Filmové zanry – pokno o klasszifikaci. Film a Doba 25 (1979) no. 1. pp. 41–47.

Zaoral, Zdenek: Filmové zanry –Metodologije rozboru. Film a Doba 25 (1979) no. 2. pp. 102–109.




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